
Then don’t live here, move to mexico or canada.

Make sure you bring your ID with you when you do vote so it can be checked, oh wait we can’t do that cause its racist.

But I am sure if it is intimidation to vote for hillary, the media, the DOJ, lifehacker and most of the posts here will support that.

You people are such hypocrites, if a republican did the things hillary has done you would be screaming for their head every single day.

and you liberals continue to vigorously defend hillary no matter what the hell happens. seriously that woman could stand in the middle of a crowd, shoot a bunch of them dead and you people would still come up with an excuse for her.

I like how you people think that what Trump has said is worse that what clinton has actually done.

Perhaps schumer could name a single hillary accomplishment as secy of state.

Canada likes us because we keep millions of illegals from reaching their border.

And once again everyone will come out and defend her no matter she says or does. People on this site would defend her if she was on video blowing up a bus full of people. No matter what she says or does she can do no wrong in any body’s eyes. But if she does win and unleashes policies that are awful for us, if you

Too bad Schilling was fired for having a difference of opinion but that’s what libs do when you don’t agree with them.

Every large media outlet does this all the time so this should come as no surprise that the tech industry as a whole is incredibly liberal and they slant their news towards the liberal side. Hell Lifehacker is the same way and slants very far left including most of the people who comment and if you have an opinion

if this bitch wins and i am sorry to say she probably will, if you support her you are not allowed to complain against the idiotic policies she will impose because you have been told. shes going to push this country farther down the hole than the loser in office has already done.

And even with this the bulk of comments here will still support this lying, murdering, corrupt bitch.

Life must be hard for the most of the people on this site to wake up everyday and not see or hear something that they are offended by.

St. Louis-area artists argue that CAM’s decision to exhibit the work is a blatant disregard for the violence and trauma suffered by the city’s Black community, particularly since the shooting death of Michael Brown in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson.

The fact that so many people hate Trump is what makes me want to vote for him.

Well we know what would happen: the media, the moderator, lib hollywood and most of the commenters on this site would slam him. On the other hand should hillary call him something the moderator, the lib, media, hollywood and most of the commenters on this site would defend and applaud her no matter what she says.

This scumbag needs to be given life and put in general population so that his life his hell on earth for every single day he’s alive for what he did to that beautiful little girl.

Maybe kap would like to talk about the 500 murders in chicago instead of a few criminals being rightfully shot.

Most of the commenters on this site prove that they are ok with lying and corruption as long as the candidate is a democrat. no matter the lie, no matter how big it is the writers on this site will support hillary. they will make excuses for her and will never publish and negative article about her.