
Excellent. Just excellent. Doctors who take a hard stance against this anti-vax trash have my full support. I look forward to the days where there won’t be any medical clinics leat that accept unvaccinated patients. It seems like more and more doctors are opting into doing that, and I love it.

I’m an accountant. I’m the first-born. I plan things. I am organized. The concept of “birth plan” is fucking laughable to me. I mean, call it requests, or a wish list. But trying to plan for that seems insane. I asked my doctor what a birth plan was exactly and whether I needed to be making one. She was like “Oh, you

“working on how to be an excellent man”

I was really caught off guard by the outpouring of emotion about AB’s death. I’d been a big fan of his for 20+ years. I know that he was a famous, popular figure, but I had no idea the depth and breadth of his fandom.

I will appreciate Bourdain for his ability to genuinely appreciate ‘others’. Food is the bridge between all of our cultures, and he showed how similarly human we all are thru it...thru fucking pulled pork and cheap beer, thru good company and hearty laughs. We need that so fucking bad right now. I’m really going to

Celebrity deaths never really phase me at all, but Bourdain is something else. His voice was one that said what I needed to hear. I’ll miss his interesting, entertaining and important work.

I’m more than a little surprised at how much Anthony’s death is affecting me. I knew I was a huge fan of his, and my wife jokes about my crush on him whenever we watch Parts Unknown, but I’ve been going back to all the news sites, looking for the articles that help me figure out why I’m so sad at my desk.

She’s *hoping* to have a natural, drug-free home birth in hasn’t happened yet. I presume if it all goes pear shaped (and birth *can* go pear shaped, despite all the positive thinking in the world) she has a plan B involving all the drugs and interventions necessary to save her life and that of her baby.

Yup. I had a friend who was planning a very crunchy granola birth....but her kid apparently had other plans, including requiring IVF in order to exist and then getting stuck in some weird position in the womb that essentially mandated a caesarian.

The only part of the natural drug-free home birth in water plan that I’m judging is the part where she’s being sanctimonious about it before it even happens. Kat, honey. The fact is you don’t always get to have the labour and delivery of your optimistic dreams.

But he also didn’t romanticize that poverty and excuse it as cultural. He called out others who did, Sting for instance.

He was a complex man. He said certain things that I found very offensive, but he also was extremely honest about his own struggles and failings. I got the impression he was a man who was trying very hard to be a better person.

Yup. I’m going to watch some episodes of Parts Unknown and order a big fucking pizza.

Niceness isn’t a virtue.

Sad, but not too terribly surprised. His work always had a bit of melancholy attached to it, which is what made his outlook and humor so compelling. A real loss, though, especially in a time in which thoughtful, intelligent discussion on TV is on the decline.

This is fucking me up so hard. I loved that guy. He was a big reason why I wanted to go to culinary school. And he sure as shit was right about that life. I didn’t last long but it was fun while I was in it.

I am so sad. That fact that Eric was the one that found him makes this doubly devastating.

This is so fucking sad.

I know that many aren’t really fans here, but I loved Anthony Bourdain. I read his book many years ago and related to him so deeply. A person that also struggled with drugs and depression. This makes me really sad.

Oh my god I am shattered by this one. :((((((((((