Whatever, the politicians in CT aren’t completely fucking insane. Which is more than can be said for about 45 of the 50 states.
Whatever, the politicians in CT aren’t completely fucking insane. Which is more than can be said for about 45 of the 50 states.
They understand politics. The point now is to elect democrats. I don’t care if they are good democrats or how they get elected. We need people with D next to their names in power. Republicans understand this while Dems argue about a $12 vs $15 minimum wage.
Damnit I just posted the same picture before reading the comments
The light fixtures at Cheesecake Factory look like female genitalia. I haven’t eaten there since my mom pointed this out about ten years ago. I was just sitting there enjoying my 3000 calorie meal when Mom said ‘it looks like someone mounted a bunch of vaginas on the wall’. Very distracting!
I keep reading articles about Trump voters and they say that Democrats don’t understand them and you know what? They’re right. I don’t understand, at all, huge segments of this country and never will. I don’t get it and don’t want to. At this point I’m good staying in my bubble.
I have sympathy for the people struggling with addiction and for their families. At the same time, the way the opioid epidemic has been framed in the culture over the past couple years drives me insane. I almost prefer people who are just as terrible to heroin addicts as they were to crack addicts 25 years ago. At…
I have sympathy for the people struggling with addiction and for their families. At the same time, the way the opioid epidemic has been framed in the culture over the past couple years drives me insane. I almost prefer people who are just as terrible to heroin addicts as they were to crack addicts 25 years ago. At…
I have sympathy for the people struggling with addiction and for their families. At the same time, the way the opioid epidemic has been framed in the culture over the past couple years drives me insane. I almost prefer people who are just as terrible to heroin addicts as they were to crack addicts 25 years ago. At…
In the past month my OBGYN and dentist offered me opioids for very minor surgeries that barely required ibuprofen. Wouldn’t it make more sense to see how I felt after the procedures and then write a prescription? I understand that some people might react differently to surgery and higher strength painkillers would…
I will say this every time I call a cab for the rest of my life. It’s a reflex at this point.
I fucking love pigs
Irish and Italian Americans refuse to accept your sidenote. I say this as someone whose grandmothers were born in Ireland and whose grandfathers were born in Italy. I know so many people in these communities that believe racial/ethnic slurs exist in a historical vacuum. That ‘nigger’ and ‘mick’ are the same because…
They are tax and spend because that’s the fucking point of an organized government. I don’t even disagree without your point but the attitude you describe drives me insane. People with family members that need social services aren’t moving from Massachusetts to Arizona.
Does Sherrod Brown have skeletons I’m unaware of? I really like him and he seems like an obvious choice for the ‘gotta get the rest belt’ crowd. His name doesn’t come up as often as I would think.
There’s a zero percent chance that Republicans understand how IVF works. Only sluts need oral contraceptives.
Don’t worry, according to my congressman Tim Walberg, God will save us from climate change. This is something he said last week. A person in charge of making our laws.
I was in 8th grade when Clinton was impeached. We heard all about oral sex in the White House. And the cigar. And the semen stained blue dress. It was a weird time.
Aww what a sweet little face! And I know exactly what you mean by Shepherd personality. They have lots of thoughts and opinions!