
I remember when Sarah Palin resigned unexpectedly and there were all sorts of theories about what ‘really’ happened. Turns out she just wanted to be on Fox News. Something just as boring could be going on with Chaffetz.

My husband is from Rhode Island and I spent 18-28 there. It’s more fun to visit than to live there. Not many high paying jobs and getting around in the summer is a fucking nightmare. The shoreline is beautiful, though. It’s a great place for a rich people who don’t need to be anywhere on time.

I’m actually really excited to bring these to my 10 year college reunion this summer

Of everything that has made me blindingly angry over the past year the response to the opioid epidemic has made me the craziest. Remind me again why I’m supposed to have empathy for the people who used crack addicts as an excuse to fuck over poor black people for the past thirty years?

This has nothing to do with your story but drinking in dive bars in the middle of the day is the best. You couldn’t pay me to go to most bars on Saturday night but Tuesday afternoon? I’m there every time.

Sometimes I forget that Jon Lovett and I aren’t actually friends.

And those jobs only pay that much because, in the case of coal miners, labor organizers died for a fair wage. And safety protections. If it was up to coal companies the miners would make minimum wage just like the retail cashiers.

I drove through WV last week and saw a bunch of ‘no wind, no solar’ law signs. It was infuriating.

MeetUp and the YMCA gym have been godsends since I moved half way across the country.

My point was that state legislatures in the South are dominated by regressive conservatives in a way they are not in the North*. This leads to laws like the one in this post that would not see the light of day in say, PA. A place with plenty of regressive conservative citizens.

My husband’s reaction to this story - “So Mike Pence is a raging alcoholic who can’t keep his dick in his pants?”

Tom Wolf wouldn’t sign this bill, so no, they don’t.

Elected officials in the North, especially the Northeast, do not pull shit like this. Yes, there are assholes everywhere. Those assholes have way more political power in the South than in the North.

I’ve assumed this to be true since Nov. 9th. I knew a ton of people in PA who never voted that were so excited to vote for Trump. And you will never be able to convince me that it wasn’t because of his overt racism.

When a close friend has a baby I send them a healthy snacks gift basket from Amazon. I have been told this is a very good gift.  

When my brother got married there were four showers for the bride. I was in the wedding and was expected to attend all of them. They got divorced three years later. I want my vacation days back.

I had a very small ceremony (immediate family) and then a cocktail party a few months later to celebrate with friends. I was so embarrassed by the amount of money people gave us. Grateful, but embarrassed. Team no gifts.

I was always counting down the days to go back school by the first week of August. I missed my friends!

As always, fuck Ronald Reagan

Do you live in Boston? Because this sounds like Boston.