
Need? No. But when I’m sitting still at my computer working all day, a little bit of fidgeting makes me more comfortable. And it’s not like this is a new thing, people have been clicking pens or doing coin tricks for a long time.

Need? No. But when I’m sitting still at my computer working all day, a little bit of fidgeting makes me more

It’s working out great for us. Thanks.

By his “golden parachute” you mean the proceeds leftover from the sale and subsequent settlement with Thiel & Hulk Hogan?

To all outward appearances, at least, it turned out pretty well. Your question might be better directed to non-union employees of other media companies that were acquired and where the founders and officers made off with a lot more money than Nick Denton did. But you be you and keep asking those deep, probing

i love that you very clearly and feverishly rushed to make a burner account to get this comment in.

What I mean to say is, sup, peter

I think they are suggesting eggplant can caus miscarriages.

So they built an Expert System based AI, but forgot to actually include the Expert (probably because actual experts require payment for their services...but doctor google doesn’t).

Yes, but lightning is outdoors, and air purifiers are indoors.

“They do no good.”

Beth, this motherfucker Chroma14 is in the comment section with this lovely gem:

That’s entirely untrue!

Great example of the misconceptions this video addresses! No, vaginal discharge does not mean you’re horny or have an STD. Try watching it again.

This is incredibly helpful because I’ve been lately worried about my vaginal health (despite recently having a pap smear), so it’s good to know what is normal. Wish someone would have mentioned in health class that I’m gonna need to wear pantyliners even when I’m not on my period tho. Would have been helpful before I

A smart person knows that a tomato is a fruit, a wise person knows not to put it in a fruit salad.

Emails don’t counts for as much, though, in terms of impact. Hand-written letters, faxes (yes, those happen), calls to the district or DC offices are weighted far more significantly. Somewhere in between are printed letters, printed and written post cards, etc.

A hand-written letter is GOLDEN. Three brief paragraphs will do fine.

Emails absolutely still get through and are counted. Keep rocking those emails!