Wow, definitely his greatest burn since “The lord must really have it in for that little boy” in BASEketball.
Wow, definitely his greatest burn since “The lord must really have it in for that little boy” in BASEketball.
Why even bother reviewing this when you hate everything about Seth MacFarlane and his sense of humor?
I love how no one on the Internet can get away with having an opinion anymore.
Gawker’s “progressive” propagandists love to ignore the facts, because the facts conflict with their “progressive narrative”.
I think your armchair psychology has nailed it. This is the best thing they have in their lives and everyone in their lives hates them (for it).
Let’s examine the bully’s actions: What kind of sadist would bring a knife to school, break into a kid’s locker and then cut up his expensive shoes? That’s some next-level dark behavior right there, and I’m wondering if this bully has some other deep-seated issues he’s working through. The beating of the father…
Except Ferrari guy. In the midst of all this evil-minded douchebaggery, Ferrari guy seems cheerful and benign.
She shot him. Read the post dingus.
No, the wife is the murderer. He was the victim.
The suicide part of the murder-suicide is supposed to go first.
I was in a Starbucks yesterday and a gaggle of teenage girls, (I feel like gaggle isn’t right for teenage girls. A flock? A murder? A murder.) a murder of teenage girls came in behind me. As I finished my order, the barista (who was a treasure of a human being and recommended a kick-ass fruit sauce for baked brie)…
Meh, with all those injuries, provided the offseason isn’t a complete disaster, I’d say the Cavs will be right back in the mix next year.
Her shirt is perfect. In this country, we love to surveil people without their consent.
This is so silly. This author is obviously so starved for attention and so enjoys playing the victim that she’s claiming sexual assault when all a guy basically did was make a pass at you. When an accusation as ridiculous as this is made it hurts real victims of rape because people tend then not to take those claims…
Oh, my God, do you mean to say that a man held you closely, and then you objected and left the room? Clearly you have been raped. Of that there is not a scintilla of doubt. That man should have a fair trial, after which he should be summarily executed.
Hi Emma!
why would someone assault such an hideous creature? Emma should stop. She is embarassing herself too much. everyone at columbia knows she is a liar and everyone knows the truth. Also, i respect Paul for being quiet and for doing what’s legally right. Carry that weight Paul that this monster put on you! unfortunately.…
Don’t worry; we all believe you’re not pretty.
You’re a coward and a liar