
If Anthony wants really wants to be a famous NFL player he has a lot of things he needs to improve on. Fortunately for him, spelling isn't one of them.

Dear Watt, I wrote you but you still ain't calling

Oh I didn't know you were an activist.

This article is confusing. It is not "Barry" the alleged rapist that is threatening to sue her, it is an actual Barry whose personal details are so similar to "Barry" that people think he is the rapist.

So the message she is sending out is to not report rapists, and just get over it?

Wait...NO cultural failings? 60+% of black kids being raised in single parent homes is not a problem? This isn't even a rich/poor's a predominantly black thing.

LOL. You don't think their negative interactions with police have anything to do with their tendency to commit violent crime? Fucking idiot.

Greg sucks. His whole victimhood trope is tiring. Always quick to call someone an unlce tom without saying it, going back to his Whitlock article. All this coming from a dude who has a picture of himself with a white kid on his shoulders lol

Maybe that whole genocide of black people killing each other. How you gonna ask other people to value black lives, when we don't show we value black lives when the only time, a national call to arms is when a white person kills a black person? Like Barkley said, would this killing be national news if it was a black

A black guy who usually talks about sports weighs in on the Ferguson situation. Headline: Greg Howard Has Nothing to Say to America

the vast majority of them are great people who risk their lives every single day.

barkley makes points counter to my position, therefore he 'doesnt know what the fuck hes talking about'

Why is it a problem if we have differing views? Are black people not allowed to be free thinkers?

Every day has been a Very Bad Day lately, because Entertaining Sports Website Deadspin is on my Internet, and Deadspin keeps talking about Things That Are Not Sports.

I read Kenny Smith's open letter to Barkley, and now this, and I have to say, it's weird to have everyone's immediate response to Barkley be "stick to sports! Don't talk about anything other than sports!" Be when the Rams did their "Hands up, Don't Shoot!" thing this past weekend, I read several articles about how

this used to be a sports site where one can go and have laughs.

"Charles Barkley does not know what the fuck he's talking about."

The problem is, most of the things he said are correct. Cops are a good thing (though this clearly is a very real problem that needs to be addressed), looters ARE scumbags, it is a little ridiculous to assume that white cops are just out there looking to kill black people, and fighting back against the cops is stupid

I wish there was diversity of opinions on this website. Charles Barkley offers a differing viewpoint and that's absolutely OK. In some ways, he made a lot of sense.