All that baby killing will eventually mess you up indeed.
All that baby killing will eventually mess you up indeed.
Starting to get to you baby killers is he? Good. Your depravity needs to be exposed to the world and you shown to be the evil baby killers you are.
You’re a fine father.
Ralph E. Wolf and Sam Sheepdog are the best cartoon duo. Just two guys with jobs trying to get through their day. And one trying to kill or incapcitate the other.
When does Lt. Einhorn show up?
Toronto Life is a magazine for the rich and cottage owning people who live in Toronto’s Rosedale and Forest Hill neighborhoods. Not having a cottage or even visiting one is worse than death for those people.
The only difference is the timing. Both would have resulted in dead babies.
52% grade 8 graduation level. A hotbed of intellectual pursuits indeed.
In a country where only 52% graduate grade 8, saying Dominicans are an uneducated people by and large is no stretch. Sometimes the truth conflicts with your far left liberal views.
Put on a sweater and shut up. Normal people like it colder than 90 inside.
The dad was doing his professional duty. How else would there be such a need for psychiatric help?
With the salary cap the NHL deadline day sucks now.
Mill Street is shit.
“To these people, a private business setting their own policy is an affront to all that is good and right in the world” - So you’re onside with people refusing to bake gay wedding cakes I assume?
Normal people call them ‘mothers’.
And that is the truth. Abortion kills babies. It’s that simple.
Is that cat your only housemate? Get used to lonliness sweety.
Smarter than you retard.
When you people start rioting and marching after a typical weekend’s worth of murders in Baltimore, Detroit or Chicago your hashtag activism might have more meaning.
“Black lives only matter when taken by white cops” doesn’t fit a # as nicely.