Good luck. The adults still vote in Canada. Enjoy the next 4 years. I know I will...
Good luck. The adults still vote in Canada. Enjoy the next 4 years. I know I will...
As long as your 'say' doesn't involve the murder of babies, do whatever you want.
What a joke. The fact that the biggest pussy in parliament Stephane Dion is supporting this shows what a joke it is. This is the guy who couldn't even shoot a televised address to the nation properly.
Feel free to hand over the keys to your house to the first native person you meet. Until then shut the fuck up.
Where's Scotch Bingington?
You'd be mad too if you had deal deal with Damian Cox and Steve Simmons on a regular basis. The Toronto media are pricks and insufferable ones at that.
The 'smarter' sex, ladies and gentlemen...
Bad news Minnesota. You've been demoted to city from State.
Good luck and good hunting. We need more leaders like him willing to destroy, not degrade or hamper but destroy the enemy. They seem to like fire, give the ISIS bastards Napalm and lay waste to their territory. You don't win wars being nice.
He's the original Marv Marinovich
Based on Steelheads attendance figures, it was either Steve or Mike who left the note.
And before they were owned by the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan and Larry Tanebaum, a billionaire. So rich team bought by richer corporation. Like Apple being bought by Google (or vice versa depending on today's stock price)
They couldn't get leaves of absences from their day jobs anymore?
No TR means U.S Grant goes up Mount Rushmore. Graft and bribery allegations and what not aside, dude won the civil war and was President.
If you want to be with a lesbian, just do it already. Male 'feminists' are just in the closet gays.
Please. The last US intervention that freed women and children you were probably out there protesting against because George Bush was President then.
Good. Baby killing should weigh on your conscience.
God forbid we have people who want to protect life in Congress. Good for them. Make the baby killer in chief veto this legislation and show how much he enjoys watching babies die.