If you are a liberal, yes. It's called Saturday Night.
If you are a liberal, yes. It's called Saturday Night.
Lena Dunham accuses man of Rape. Man threatens lawsuit because he didn't rape her or anyone. Man is considered the bad guy. Feminist logic. Dunham has tried to ruin this innocent man's life all so she can sell a couple books.
And you are stuck posting on a gossip blog. Who's the dumb one Tom?
Your version of 'original thought' is simply anything that conforms to your narrow viewpoint.
You want a 'fact' Michael Brown never had his 'hands up'. That is a fact proven by his fucking autopsy. You repeating the lie doesn't make it a fact. You know nothing and yet you continue to pontificate on this and other topics as if you do.
Go fuck yourself Greg. You wrote a screed saying Charles Barkley, a black man, doesn't get black people. How black do you have to be to 'get' black people? Do you have to agree with you 100% to be 'black'? You are a bigot and a race huckster. Fuck off.
No woman ever lies about rape.
That 'Correction' is hilarious given today's update.
What fucking bullshit. Deadspin make a living mocking Tebow for his religious beliefs for years.
Who cares if everything you read is a lie. It furthers the agenda and that's all that matters right? If you want to make change and fix things, try not to use instances that have been proven factually wrong as your basis for making change. Lord knows there are lots of instances of real police misconduct and campus…
How surprising that a black police organization would side with the criminal apologists and looters. Wonder why?
CTV Toronto shows the Bills because they have to show the Bills. The NFL has deemed Toronto part of the Buffalo market and thus the home team must be broadcasted in their home market. Hence why their games were blacked out when they didn't sell out.
Anyone want to call Charles Barkley a racist and bigot for saying the exact same thing? No? Didn't think so.
Judging by the attendance of the last couple games, the more accurate headline would have been "Toronto has given up on the Bills"
Perhaps you need to attend a state school or otherwise and learn about what the Constitution actually says?
Where were you when the Duck Dynasty guy was taken off tv for his opinions? Were you a staunch defender of his rights then too? Or are you just a craven jackass who thinks only those who believe as you do should have any rights?
1'st amendment doesn't apply to businesses or so we hear everytime a conservative loses their job for something they said.
What does Jezebel think the appropriate punishment should be for a woman who falsely accuses someone of rape? Rapists are justifiably considered the scum of the earth and punished almost as harshly as murderers. When someone is falsely accused it ruins their lives. Is it not appropriate to make the liars…
I don't think you know what 'equality' means.
Gonna have to loot and burn a lot of stores to have much success with this initiative...