Libidinous Kettle

I don't have a good feeling about it either. As people said throughout the campaign: he's too old to change his spots, and he is surrounding himself with delusional Republicans, and, to make you feel worse, he wants to be liked and to win by getting his policies through, and that means that they have to be Republican

The chain of evidence would suggest that is a proper response, but I'm going to be rooting for Trump to actually make America great again. Because it's in all our best interests and because I honestly think (without the data, mind you) that his election was the public saying so, very loudly, in the most extreme way

That's the consensus from some progressives. Not being a political scientist/historian/economist, I have no idea if that's actually the case, though I do know Trump's win wasn't caused by any one factor, but each individual person who voted for Trump and Clinton had many reasons for doing that. I say this to to

This is similar to Patton Oswalt's bit on his latest Netflix special—so much so that I thought GQ had made a mistake in attributing it to Thornton, who it's possible also saw it.

If there's a big takeaway for me about this election it is that any society, any country, can't survive if one half of the population hates and ridicules the other half—and if a President does the same by setting a terrible moral and practical example where it's okay to bash "the Other." We have to be decent and

Yeah but you can trace Trump's win in part back to Clinton's policies, especially the economic ones that also contributed to the Great Recession.

There is also the cosmic perspective NDT reassured us with on Colbert last night. He read a quote from an astronaut I believe who said something like, once you go out far enough in space to see the small Earth, the problems on it aren't that significant in the vast nature of things. Edit: Why are you getting shit?

Yes, they should be very clear on what they are protesting—not a rigged election but a message to Pres. Trump that Americans will not abide hateful rhetoric and policies. Say that as much as they can. Democrats and Progressives have to be very careful protesting, especially a man who has violent supporters; any

Yes on both. I love video essays.

Happy Birthday!

Look, I think you were pretty wrong not to vote for Clinton in the face of Trump, but, yes, the Clintons, after a Trump win, were terrible candidates, and the party itself made big mistakes going back decades. So you shouldn't be getting the same level of vitriol now.

Every four years, when the country elects a new president, I feel a bit reborn, like I have the freedom and space to change my life a bit, as an echo to the new direction the country is on. The idea of choice, of choosing what you want your country to be next, of choosing who you want to be next, is put in stark

Jumping the gun on one of your future posts, my party is incredibly on life support, when I remember seeing Chris Matthews in 2008 after Obama and the Democratic Congress get elected say that the Republican Party was in mortal danger. I didn't know it at the time, but the most important book I read this year was Listen

I disagree. From my study, movement conservatives since the 1960s genuinely believed the government as a force of darkness that inhibits individual success and happiness.

He's part of the same afflicted larger culture, but, man, how did Paul Ryan—who always appears earnest when he speaks—get this delusional about what policies work for America and Americans?