Hustler of Culture

Hmmm...maybe I should have tried this instead of "Fuck R"

I'm sure kids in Guatemala will enjoy these tickets while wearing their Patriots 19-0 tshirts....

Lets hope Al Davis hires him immediately....

//head explodes

Can we not mention that little shit Maier anymore?

Wow, Martin Lawrence looks awful in that picture

So who has the hairiest balls between the two of you?

Why are they wearing the numnber of points they can each put up?

@The Mighty Pigs: And if Vrabel doesn't cut those damn sideburns, he's next!

@supermike5alive: Surprised you're helping someone make fun of Boston. Or were you one of the people booing at the game?

In all seriuosness, no one has ever said that Pats fans were the best fans in sports. Boston is and always will be a baseball town so this shouldn't be all that surprising....

@Afino: Oh my good gracious!

Maybe Clemens and Vince Young can go share a cry together

Sweet, I know what I'm doing at lunch...

At least Jason Taylor's first missed game isn't an important one

So Peyton Manning was just on OnA. I always figured he listened to Disney Radio in the morning....

- I don't think I've ever heard a sound that bad.