Hustler of Culture

I always thought Ufford would be sued for child porn not copyright infringement

Berman - And here is Icelands Berglind PETURSDOTTIR "I just met her" up next for gymnastics

Brett Favre would still be the most reported story

Chris Mortenson would report incorrect medal winners

Sorry for the sabotage I will be unleashing in the next couple months

@Cockeye Jones: You know, there is a search feature that you should util....HUGH!!

If TMQ ever writes a post for this site, I'm outta here

Norby: Gorbachev

It actually makes me feel better that you made as ass out of yourself.

All I got is a FUCK LLAMA

I thought Heidi Watney only ate your soul?

Not pictured: an apple directly in front of Coco Crisp's crotch

(Also remember: subtract a Jason Elam fire-drill, or an onside fluke in Dallas, or a blizzard in Cleveland, and they could have made playoffs!)

Bills fans are so cute.

I believe that wrestling move is called "The Bowling Ball"

Schilling is actually planning on annoucning his retirement in EverQuest