I always thought Ufford would be sued for child porn not copyright infringement
I always thought Ufford would be sued for child porn not copyright infringement
Berman - And here is Icelands Berglind PETURSDOTTIR "I just met her" up next for gymnastics
Brett Favre would still be the most reported story
Chris Mortenson would report incorrect medal winners
@the earl of weaver: Actually I got one, but it came postage-due
Sorry for the sabotage I will be unleashing in the next couple months
@Cockeye Jones: You know, there is a search feature that you should util....HUGH!!
If TMQ ever writes a post for this site, I'm outta here
Norby: Gorbachev
It actually makes me feel better that you made as ass out of yourself.
All I got is a FUCK LLAMA
I thought Heidi Watney only ate your soul?
Not pictured: an apple directly in front of Coco Crisp's crotch
(Also remember: subtract a Jason Elam fire-drill, or an onside fluke in Dallas, or a blizzard in Cleveland, and they could have made playoffs!)
Bills fans are so cute.
@Piledhigher-Deeper: That picture is stored safely on my computer at home
@Weed Against Speed: Or "Fish Stew"
I believe that wrestling move is called "The Bowling Ball"
@Jerkwheat vs Gawker IT: Joke about Obama and Mass' racism in 3...2...1...
Schilling is actually planning on annoucning his retirement in EverQuest