A Yankee fan being a jackass? Next you'll tell me a Sox fan was being a loud-mouth racist. Or an O's fan was being horribly depressed
A Yankee fan being a jackass? Next you'll tell me a Sox fan was being a loud-mouth racist. Or an O's fan was being horribly depressed
By next week, Rodgers may not even be booworthy
Family Night for Packers' fans means only light beer for the childern
Many people in Chicago agree that Ozzie's team is playing like right now
@Doyle McPoyle: 2 girls, 1 mangini?
Was that a Celtic's poster in the background?
See now all the recent Auchwitz jokes could be made....
Wait, I thought we weren't allowed to end comments with //...
To be fair, Al Davis thought he was convincing Herschel Walker to play football again.
Anybody want 54 Ben McDonald #1 Draft Pick cards?
My dad was one of those stereotypical/horrible stories where my grandmother gave away all of his cards while he was at camp one year. The collection included all the big guys: Mays, Mantle, etc. He still hasn't really gotten over it
Clay, you did nail it with the Upper Deck Griffey card. The only thing better are the Joey Belle cards...
84 Donruss Traded set thanks
He was correct to have the card pulled, everyone knows that Piedmont are dirt cigarettes
He was actually trying to give away tickets to watching Charles Haley masturbate in the locker room
There's a West Coast? Who knew?
@Quick Draw: Nicely done
Can she just publish a sextape and get it over with already? Please? Pretty please?
The bear was not the only thing that dropped a duece on the course...