Whatever, Tufts did an actually naked run. Much better.
Whatever, Tufts did an actually naked run. Much better.
Not to be outdone, Manny plans on actually sitting in the stands for a full inning tonight
The Femputer is very upset at this mockery
@HernandezStache: And Willie Randolph lost his turn because of it
Ironically, Carmelo Anthony is watching this to learn how not to fight like a girl
Joba came in to assist but like his pitching style, he is fast and furious and done quickly
Tiki looks like he is about to stick his hand into my chest and pull out my beating heart
Is Mahorn going to have to choke a bitch?
@Magnakai Haaskivi: $10 says Candice Parker throws a better punch than Carmelo Anthony
@PermanentInjuredReserve: Catfight???
Ironcially 82 and 57 were the number of fans in attendance on each side of the court
@Civil Negligence: I think its the exclamation point at the end of this handle. Because that is certainly a phrase that you say with emphasis
Barkley was actually just very confused. The busboy was Jewish and it was Friday evening....
Not mentioned - the kid had alreay received a full scholarship
Why didn't they just hit into them like every other golfer?
I'm confused...what does this have to do with Brett Favre?
The Shampine brothers are well known fans of the Ligue's
This has the beginning to "Last Boyscout" written all over it
So who was the man?
Does this count as beastiality?