
She is being denied lifesaving surgery - in favor of someone who also needs the same lifesaving sugery and who has a better chance at surviving longterm.

Hearts are not exactly a commodity we have a surplus of. They want to give that heart to someone who can listen to medical instructions and someone who isn’t going to go off their meds when they have financial issues.

You ever watch Dog the bounty Hunter work? About half the time he talks the guy in. “Dude, your mom used her car as collateral for your bail bond. How about you come with me and your mom doesn’t loose her car and she can still get to work and take care of herself.”

Not necessarily. We assume you are innocent until proven guilty. Just because you are arrested doesn’t mean you did something wrong. If you are arrested for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and you are exonerated in court, you don’t get back all that jail time or the job you lost when you couldn’t afford

If my parents pay bail my parents are highly motivated to make sure I show up for court. I’m not sure how a nonprofit has the same amount of influence.

Sure, yeah, usually a 24 hour waiting period that would result in a hotel stay or 2 extremely long drives. And there are studies that debate the effectiveness of these waiting periods. And the mandatory counseling is particularly onerous if you already planned a 12 hour drive and a hotel stay and you have quite made

“You can get the rest of your health care at any hospital or clinic in town”

If you gotta convince your pastor to do the right thing, you ain’t in the right church. Sheep don’t lead shepherds.

We waste a ton of money is hardly an excuse to waste more money. Fundamentally flawed argument is fundamentally flawed.

As much as I would love to see a leg of lamb done, I think the size would be difficult.

I love this forum full of people sayin how simple and easy this should be and why don’t we do it. Except that we do. There’s tons of gun violence committed every day by people who legally can’t own or possess guns.

Char sui pork

Of course we’re not practicing dropping nuclear bombs on the we don’t need to practice for that.

There’s more too it than just “I have kids who need grren space” there’s also the fact that if I ever want to sell my house many potential buyers are going to want green space for their kids. You do stuff with your yard that is too weird you’ll have trouble selling your house. I would love a whole field of clover for

It’s a very weird experience going home​ and not being able to talk about your day.

I am skeptical of the motives of Democrats who voted for Hillary “Private Email Server” Clinton andthen complain Repubublicans don’t care about national security.

Hey look. Cancer coorelates with population.

Well let’s ntalk about my baby. Born early via C-section, weighed 1 lb 14 oz and was in the NICU for 3 months. Tons of doctors tons of nurses. Life flighted twice between two hospitals due to infections. Millions of dollars worth of medical care.

Buy your own fucking phone

Hey Jimmy, let’s be honest. Tell us about the social worker and all the federal programs your kid qualified for, all of which existed prior to Obamacare. Remember the apacolyptic state these kids lived in before Obamacare? They stayed on their parents insurance till they grew up and got jobs with good insurance.