Really wish the VC continued into the Switch era.
Really wish the VC continued into the Switch era.
The apple plus doc is REALLY good.
Superman & Lois, Abbott Academy have entered the chat. (Will say there is nothing worthy on the Colorless Broadcasting System)
“Don’t disturb my friend, he is DEAD tired.”
Try matching that up with ms solitare!
AHHHHH!!!! (charges)
Right but he’s using an enhanced arcade engine and it moves just as fluidly as the arcade. Highly reccomend. more gameplay:
Now where’s our sequel to Commando? Granddad John Matrix!
Here’s a good idea:
Seeing Fett use a stylus and QUICKLY write that long worded negotiation letter was one of the funniest part of that episode.
This. Let the aaron rogerss of the world cry and die.
Again Solo should have been a Disney + series and they should have let the story breathe.
In addition, it would have been MUCH better if Quira and Han weren’t romantically involved and rather brother and sister. We’ve never seen Han with a family, and having him go on a quest to save his sister only for her to stab him…
I do wonder if Big N is going to remake the three mother games, a la Link’s Awakening, or if they are bolder, going to make it using the scrapped N64 engine for Mother 3.
Would have worked better if it weren’t a “reboot” of a show that included over the top moments like this:
He found a green herb while running on the street.
No he had the stick on him when he road the Rancor.
Those Dread mode speedruns are going to be interesting.
Me thinks that COVID hurt development of the game hence why soccer and golf are getting free DLC treatment.
They’re totally remastering Mother 3 to 3D like it was originally intended aren’t they?