There is always the everdrive.
There is always the everdrive.
I think at that point with the tracksuits defeated and Elanor seemingly about to get away he decided to get his hands dirty. He underestimated Kate showing up that quickly.
He was hit by a car right before that fight. Also he’s not dead.
They should have just aired Mac and Me. :)
I'd like to add Tyler Hoelchin, Bitsie Tulloch, Jordan Elsass, and Alexander Garfin from Superman and Lois and every scene that has at least two of them in it.
Hopefully someone will take this tech and make a mod for our old gameboys similar to the NES HD mod and the Pixel FX mod for n64
How many people will violate the prime directive.
At the very least they should have designed it without the spring loading mechanism. That was the biggest design flaw. Also for those who still have their original NES, this is a godsend:
This. Just do what comic books have done for decades (See John Stewart Green Lantern, Miles Morales Spider-Man, Carrie Kelly Robin). Create a new Agent 007 with a new name and persona, or another 00 who isn’t a man. NTTD did this pretty well, not perfectly but good.
Ah that's why comixcology is broken today.
Three things, all of which premired near close to each other, Smallville, 24 and Justice League.
No. 2 redefined serial television, gave viewers a competent Black political figure to look up to and unfortunately helped cement America’s right wing our way or the highway attitude for decades.
No. 1 and No 3, showed that…
Same. Get your shots folks. Fox news and the anti vaxxers care only about themselves not you.
How and why the hell does he work with Jenny McCarthy in the first place?
Fat man autoparts, not so subtle.
Funny enough there was such an easter egg in the llarp scene.
More Beebo specials hell go full Beebo and friends!
“Disabling crossplay doesn’t really fix cheating either. Certain types of cheating are PC exclusive, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to cheat on console—modded controllers being the most immediate example. All you end up doing by disabling crossplay is kick the cheating can down the road, and into the unhappy…
The batcave addition was great.
I was convinced Nate was going the way of Martin Stein during those final minutes.
If anyone can write around this roadblock it's the Expanse writers's roomm