The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

F you Andrea. Kara should have let her soft land into those tvs before catching her.

Wonder why Dan Pesina's audio isn't coming through...

Also playing with someone who isn’t a gamer, where the non gamer handles the dialogue options/choices and the gamer handles the action, is SO much fun.

F you Andrea.

True but if he or disney stays silent on this issue it doesn't look good.

Coogler better not be looking the other way or worse siding with her.

so damn dumb. 1 and 2's hd remixes were PS3 games, which the switch CAN handle. I’m guessing they wanted consistency with III

Spectre borrowed from Goldmember.

Am I the only one who prefers Perfect Dark over Halo gameplay wise? I truly wonder how the GC launch would have been if Nintendo delayed and improved PD to a GC launch title. 


I read that in Moleman's voice.

As someone mentioned, everyone was going to be unhappy the second that Martinet wasn’t cast. Pratt is a good VO and yeah his church and his rocky divorce paint him in a bad light, BUT, so far he hasn’t said or done anything unethical. Compared to Tom Cruise who has been accused of doing terrible things but doesn’t get

I’d rather Cardi B and Shia be goombas so they can be stomped for their anti vaccine idiocy and and domestic abuse ways, respectively.

“I wasn't born yesterday. Otherwise I'd be a baby." 

Is anyone else watching Wellington Paranormal? Soo good. How did fx NOT get the u.s. rights and air it back to back with What We Do in the Shadows?

K the last man

Just meant that N64 would have benefited with a controller mostly modeled in the veign of the gc controller vs the trident.

Really wish they made the gamecube controller first

Mortal kombat 4

The 8-bitdo sega 6button pad works fine on switch and costs less