Same! At the box office AND at my seat.
To all of the anti Asian racists trash talking this movie for years, Eat dirt.
Yup. Given how Routh talked about how he was unhappy with how they ended his tenure on LoT it's great to see the situation was rectified.
Allison! You will be dearly missed and I do hope your successor continues the weekly WTFN moments of the week.
Agreed. Still pissed they shut down the virtual console.
Agreed but Sony should give more leeway until supply of the ps5 increases. Discounted ps plus or some other reward for fans who upgrade.
Seriously why did you do that? You paid for this traitor's legal fees.
I’d like to add:
They did a better job with the Christine/Strange relationship than in the movie. I hope she’s in the sequel.
She's still turning it into a gossip rag!
Every movie ad needs to end with get your vacdine now.
Once again F Andrea and her bs news standards.
Yeah they admitted the steel twist was done midway through filming. The whole capt luthor ai screwup makes no sense when you watch the beginning episodes.
Can he take it and rid us all of his stupidity.
all of his arrowverse appearances are here:
So from what I read, the scripts for last season were all done and the cliffhanger was going to lead to something with Thawne. That was thrown out during the hiatus/season change and we got stuck with the forces storyline. Then there was the COVID case on set and Candice Patton needing to go home for a break during…
the new season is still fresh so holding off on that. Will have to include it with the grades for next season.
oh forgot Black Lightning, tied with Flash. Lots of bungling with the writing but stuck the landing on the finale.
this show should NEVER end and have a rotating cast until the end of time.
Also current show standings.
1) LoT (not one bad episode this season, not surprising)
2) Superman and Lois (super close to 1 but shaving a few points b/c of the initial issues in the writer’s room with the race issues, HOWEVER, they get points…
I’m guessing you’ve had jobs where they paid you for extra hours. That’s as rare as a AAA game making its original release date.