
I choose the answer of what the actual fuck, dude, because what the actual fuck, dude?!

Where do you think I learned it?

Shove that opinion up your ass and spin on it. Do a couple of good revolutions with your ass on that opinion so it’s screwed deep into your bowels. Sit and spin, making the metaphorical representation of it as crappy as the opinion itself. Spin on it. Clearer?

And spin on it.

You’re still not making a compelling argument about why she by necessity has to be lying now. And about those “excuses,” how do you know they aren’t true? Were you sitting in her pocket?

Which still doesn’t mean she’s lying about this. Sure, she might be, and I guarantee if she is some hospital worker will disregard HIPAA and be all ‘well, actually...’ but could you summon up a bit of empathy and self-control until that time? Sheesh...

Sure. Because an incident eight years, which was wholly different in manifestation and outcome than the incident now, means she has zero credibility and couldn’t possibly have had a horrible thing done to her. Jackass.

Your understanding is not quite factual, and can be clarified by a five second google search:

Glad I wasn’t the only one side-eyeing that word choice.

Shove your opinion up your ass.

Stop standing in our planters, you shits.

...that is a fair point. Kid never had anything like unguarded affection in his life, and look how he turned out...

Hey now, hey...snakes get rid of pests, love the warmth, and sleep all day; they are clearly democrats. Probably stoners, too.

*eyerolling so hard I see my brain* People will complain about fuckin’ aaaaaanything, won’t they?

I’ve got a crisp tenner for anyone who does this, and another one for the person who films it.

I see what you did there. *grin*


“It’d be like Trump going to Arlington National Cemetery and bitching about the ratings for his State of the Union.”

I see that, but I would argue that people don’t get woke overnight, and although their wokeness is late enough to be pregnant at this point, better late than never.

I guarantee if you go, and you find someone friendly looking and ask to be their march buddy, they’ll let you. The feeling of the whole thing is just rippling with solidarity.