
And I reiterate: we don’t let criminals off because they realize they’ve committed a crime. Is it fucked up that the suicide attempts impact the length? Sure. Does it change the fact that her sentence is 35 years and she’s so far done approximately 1/6 of her time? Nope. And it certainly doesn’t change the fact that

Six years out of 35 is not lengthy. Six years out of 35 is much less than she would get if we were doing the whole “time off for good behavior” thing. In fact, it’s exactly half as much as she would need to serve in order to be eligible for early parole for good behavior, if they do such a thing for treason and

Let off. To go free, having not done all ones’ time. To be excused from further punishment. To avoid a full sentence. Yes, she would be, under the way both words and, you know, prison sentences, work.

Oh, my mistake. I rather thought we were going by the usual definition of commutation, where a person went free after it happened. Is that not what she’s asking? It seems to be, with all the talk above of collateral consequences...

Is ‘considering her actions’ what she’s supposed to be doing? I thought that was ‘serving a sentence for espionage and treason.’ We don’t let criminals off because they’ve realized they’ve committed a crime.  

Not to nitpick...no, okay, definitely to nitpick: It’s ‘cut and dried’ yo, not ‘cut and dry.’

“Love Actually.” It’s seasonally appropriate, too, being a Christmas movie.

I’m seeing nose job, lip plumpers, face lift, and botox. Yup.

I’m not saying she *should* do this, I’m just saying that I’m pretty sure people would look the other way if she decided to take out a hit on that douche...

If I could star you again for your name, I would.

However, it is NOT helping.

Those are all political statements. The only difference is who’s making them. Thankfully, you don’t get to decide which ones count.

...no authority is needed. It’s needed to *order* it lowered, but not to lower it voluntarily. The school was (apparently) in mourning, which is one of the appropriate uses for half-staff, and they only lowered their own, so they’re in the clear.

Ducks don’t make good cover--they flap around too much.

Zombie refers to the state of my burner, which I lost, and so this is the resurrection. I’m not good with actual putrefying/preserved flesh... *shudder*

I think I would like to go back to bed now. This has broken my brain.

Because he’s the one who’s currently hospitalized for being a danger to himself and others. And you can be an asshole without being a clinical narcissist.

And it would be the story of half a second, and she could...I don’t even know, contribute to the valiant fight quietly and behind the scenes and maybe ten years from now when Trump has shriveled up like the raisin on the bottom of someone’s shoe that he is and someone asks her, oh, hey, why didn’t you leave back in

I think they’re (we’re) specifically pinging off Dunham because much of her so-called activism has ‘me-me-me-it’s all about me’ qualities. She’s rich enough to go if she wanted to, and she can stay without making a thing of it in the press, but no she just HAD to say some shit about staying to fight on, a fight by the

I don’t know, but I hear there’s therapy for your condition...