
I think I'm in the minority but I don't want Gregory to get killed off! He's great to watch and is so much more interesting and entertaining a character than half of the main people I'm supposed to care about. Plus Xander Berkeley is a fantastic actor and could be a real asset to this show if he's given more time.

I am watching SHIELD (how great has that been by the way?!) and you're absolutely right he's being wasted. Though I'm interested to see how much he is involved in the last part now he's a head in a jar controlling an LMD version of himself, hopefully Zach gets more to do. It seems like a waste of a good actor to not

Glad to see Roan finally get off his arse and do something. Zach McGowan has been wasted so far this season and Roan is a smart and interesting character and it would be good to see him get more to do than just sit around and get slagged off by everyone. Octavia's ridiculous dig about Lexa beating him the other week

For the second series in a row I found myself disappointed in the cliffhanger. I don't like the sudden reveal of the nuclears all melting down with the 6 months deadline. I don't really get what they're supposed to do with that.

What about ALIE on the Ark?

Am I the only one who had a tiny feeling in their head that that LMD was going to come out looking like Brett Dalton? XD

Same, you rarely see someone like that kept around, they normally die heroically, plus I like Pike so I hope he sticks around. I just wish they didn't have him kill Lincoln the way he did.

This episode showed why Clarke is easily my favourite character; she's so damn strong and she knows what has to be done. She knew that she couldn't relent despite what her Mom was doing, because then it all really would be over. She knows when to make sacrifices, and is so clever.

"Time Bastards" absolutely killed me. If there's one thing this show gets right, it's humour, every week there's loads of cracking lines!

I only really started watching this show for Snart, and while I really like Sara and Mick, I think the show is going to lose something without Snart/Wentworth Miller. I can't see myself sticking around next series to be honest. Snart was the highlight of pretty much every episode for me, either on his own or with Sara

Pike's face when he realised he was left in a room with Indra and Octavia was absolutely priceless! XD

Ah, my apologies, I misread

Thank you, you've made my day! There were 2 reason I decided to watch this show, one was Arthur Darvill, as a Doctor Who fan I wanted to show him my support. And also because I watched about 9 episodes of the first Flash series before never watching it again, and the only thing that stood put for me was Leonard Snart,

That's what I was thinking, and it'd be a crying shame if this series lost two of its best and most charismatic characters.

I stand corrected, well played sir (or madam), It'd be a pretty awesome effect to see the Ark blown up! Good ideas, though I'm not sure Emori would be able to take the flame because she's not a nightblood. :)

Snart: It's been a blast Rip! Good luck getting to the vanishing point.

Also, how the hell does ALIE know that Sinclair is dead?

I unashamedly love Pike now, I found it hilarious how Murphy couldn't bring himself to destroy the ALIE thing and then Pike just smashes the crap out of it like it took his favourite toy without hesitation! Murphy, Indra and Pike are a gloriously unlikely trio, and I hope we see a lot more of them over these next 2

It really annoys me that they had Pike kill Lincoln like that, because deep down he is not a bad, bad person and has always seemed like someone trying to do what he thinks is right by his people, he just doesn't have the same viewpoint on Grounders as The 100 and co have because his experiences have all been bad. But

Also, I know he's a pretty sucky person, but I don't know why but I unashamedly love Lucious! Actually I think it's Terrance Howard's fault; he just has so much charisma and you can tell he loves playing Lucious. You just can't beat a charismatic villain! Though I do like how layered Lucious is; he's done some