....umm, he already has....before he was big famous
....umm, he already has....before he was big famous
......LOLOL.....that’s why you got to see them! I’ve been very lucky in the Boners I’ve gotten to see Up Close & Personal, but I understand that’s not always the case!........
......LOLOL.....that’s why you got to see them! I’ve been very lucky in the Boners I’ve gotten to see Up Close & Personal, but I understand that’s not always the case!........
......LOLOL.....that’s why you got to see them! I’ve been very lucky in the Boners I’ve gotten to see Up Close & Personal, but I understand that’s not always the case!........
......LOLOL.....that’s why you got to see them! I’ve been very lucky in the Boners I’ve gotten to see Up Close & Personal, but I understand that’s not always the case!........
......Unfortunately, one of Iceland’s biggest exports is a lot of Gingers..........although I have wondered about Icelandic dick........
......Unfortunately, one of Iceland’s biggest exports is a lot of Gingers..........although I have wondered about Icelandic dick........
......Unfortunately, one of Iceland’s biggest exports is a lot of Gingers..........although I have wondered about Icelandic dick........
......Unfortunately, one of Iceland’s biggest exports is a lot of Gingers..........although I have wondered about Icelandic dick........
......Unfortunately, one of Iceland’s biggest exports is a lot of Gingers..........although I have wondered about Icelandic dick........
....... “Dakar”....
.......this is actually not a bad yoghurt......a bit......um .....”TART’........
......and, Most Importantly, I seriously doubt Drake has a Big One.........
......and, Most Importantly, I seriously doubt Drake has a Big One.........
NO....the Mud-People who STILL make up one-half of America gave us Trump.....If the country is still here in 4 years, Demographics should Finally change that..........Don’t excuse the Mud-People....
NO....the Mud-People who STILL make up one-half of America gave us Trump.....If the country is still here in 4 years, Demographics should Finally change that..........Don’t excuse the Mud-People....
NO....the Mud-People who STILL make up one-half of America gave us Trump.....If the country is still here in 4 years, Demographics should Finally change that..........Don’t excuse the Mud-People....
NO....the Mud-People who STILL make up one-half of America gave us Trump.....If the country is still here in 4 years, Demographics should Finally change that..........Don’t excuse the Mud-People....
.......How was your Christmas, Dahlink?
......I wonder if Rachel Dolezal will weigh in.........