
Casual- you play games for fun only
Non-casual/hardcore - you play games for fun and competition/challenge
Professional - you play games and people pay you for it

Amount of time doesn’t matter, you play games for fun and viability doesn’t matter to you if it detracts from your wants. You want to win, but only as long as

Seems weird considering esports are still so young :/

Ew, way too heavy meta gaming, makes the child in me squirm. It’s too bad more people don’t keep that innocent appetite for actual fantasy. It’s a shame people label that type of player as a “Casual,” when it simply isn’t true. R.I.P. imagination...

i’d argue the beginning of the dlc where you have to kill large groups of difficulty enemies without your good equipment is a deterrent to anyone that wants to get back into the game, everything else is golden but if your out of practice that portion can get super frustrating 

First off, chill.

If I was being a dick, sure, but I’m not. The irony here is that this article is what’s “oversensitive.” Try to step back and see the bigger picture.

While I didn’t play XCOM 2 for long, I will say the timer on the missions is a huge difficulty spike right out of the gate. You could try saving every few moves until you get your barings straight. Or you could try playing the first game to get a better understanding of the mechanics. But the thing about XCOM is that

I feel like this article is chasing a problem that isn’t there. If anything, it’s only criticizing me for being a man, which is something I will never apologize for.

I like to think Grizz is a bear living in secret, thus he communicates over radio and wants you to bring him salmon eggs.

Honestly, the double elimination with items on the losers bracket is the way the game should be played in tournaments. Pros still get their no items, and the winner might even never face items, and in the losers bracket they have to prove they actually know the game all around to make it back into the finals. It

Correction: Luffy is Rubber ;)

I am so conflicted by this game. Graphically, it’s beautiful and the game looks alright. However, it’s weird to see plastic-y Jump characters running around a realistic landscape. Seeing plastic looking Luffy fighting plastic looking Goku in a detailed and realistic looking metropolitan area feels weird.

RIP Melee, it’s about time.

That info dump was bonkers.

FF7 Remake was announced at E3 2015. I think it’s fair to expect that three years later we might hear at least a tiny bit about it. And it’s embarrassing that Square Enix is pulling a Versus XIII again.

Jump crossover games go all the way back to the Famicom. Given that we live in the age of the internet and people can easily find this out, it’s a little surprising to me that Jump Force is seen as some sort of novelty. Hell, J-Stars came out 3-4 years ago.

It’s weird seeing people so excited for this game when it’s basically a prettier looking J-Stars (which was bad!) Maybe it’s because that game wasn’t really marketed over here?

Eh, most Halo games are mediocre at best. Halo’s popularity mostly came about for for two main reasons:
1: It delivered a solid console Single player/co-op/multiplayer FPS when one simply did not exist.
2: Bungie’s dedication to lore and fans really helped shore up the community in multiple ways.

You guys seem to think E3 didn’t start today. Did you miss it? It was pretty great. I thought it was really ballsy for Gearbox to announce Duke Nukem: Eternity and its sequel, Duke Nukem: Perpetuity at the same time.

Seems overly dramatic for something so simple, but if that’s what triggers the epiphany for you then more power to ya.