
I fail to see how you missed me implying the unintentional aspect of calling someone a he when they prefer she or maybe even a dinosaur. All I was implying is that if you expect to go through life being referred to the way you prefer at all times and by people you don't know is crazy! My final point is that it has

No, I don't think you sound stupid. Sadly, English does have its limitations.

People should be free to use whatever language they want as long as it's not intentionally abusive, discriminatory, degrading or repressive etc... some people have things to do like raise children go to work or learn about other things besides proper vocabulary when debating a companies artistic direction. But I

Isn't the original game available on the Wii Virtual Console?

Fairly sure it's on the Wii eShop as well.

Go fuck yourself.

He thought way harder about that than Bungie did about the entirety of Destiny's storyline..

Visible desk on Mars with the help of glasses? David Cage must be proud!

At the end of the day, I still prefer Nintendo, the game-first, business-second company that they come across as, as opposed to the business-first, games-second mentality of so many other greedy companies.

I like to blame Elder Scrolls Online for delaying a far superior Elder Scrolls VI.

Couldn't pick which version of the Triforce I liked best, you decide. Wolf Link is bad ass though regardless.

That is amazing. My only suggestion would be to have the Moon on the other half of the system. Representing the two main antagonists.

Here's my entry. I would seriously pay money for the above 3DS. I made two versions, to satisfy the people who prefer the image t o show upright while the system is open.

Salvatore Special Edition

I found this on Nintendo's website, looks like you're good:

I play on a Smashketball-esque stage. Mine is two boxes shorter than the final destination outline in the stage editor, and lacks any recovery options beneath the stage. But I play it pretty differently than standard Smashketball- I call it Jigglyball. 1v1 matches with a third player as a computer opponent Jigglypuff.

HirezStew has mentioned they are open to doing PS4 (I forget if he said they were looking into it or if Sony was), but since Microsoft put their money where their mouth is first they are gonna focus on that, presumably until full release. I'd say stay hopeful, but you might have to wait a year or two, and who

Remember to slam face first into the bookshelf to knock down the one book that actually does something.

Very true, though even at the start he was pretty dumb. He had that Ryoga from Ranma1/2 sense of direction from moment one.