FFXV is really going all out with the wild crossovers, dunno why, but I dig it!
FFXV is really going all out with the wild crossovers, dunno why, but I dig it!
I wonder at what point one becomes numb to the repetition of this kind of thing xD
Neat idea, like a race, I hope Blue wins xD
Watched the first day, but haven’t since, just been watching the standings for my team vs my GFs team, but I guess the point is they want us to actually watch xD, though we don’t watch much of any sport really, so prolly just us.
Monster hunter! Can’t stop won’t stop!
Gotta love the switch Axe! Hey, I got a notification yesterday that there is a “5 million commemorative gift” that you can only claim once before like Feb. 15th, where do I get that? Tried the cat in my house, but nada :/
I believe I’ve been unjustly unfollowed by kinja, and now all my comments are grey, how do I contest this?
Actually at Odogaron right now, it keeps wrecking my shit, I need something faster than Switch Axe xD. Suggestions? Dual Blades? Keep it at range with a gun?
Who’s that Pokemon!?
I noticed in your house there’s a ‘change your appearance’ option. Does that let you edit yourself? I didn’t select it.
Monster Hunter!!
The pokemon community has rampant hacking? Ya don’t say... It’s somehow gotten filled with players who see nothing morally wrong with cheating/hacking; is it any surprise they do it in Go as well? Just the other day I saw a YouTube video of a wifi battle where the guy was using a third party damage calculator during…
Dis just kinda shows dat you do not know de way.
I’ve learned this too, in order to enjoy mobile games, you have to not like games. I hated pokemon go back when I was seriously trying to play it, so I have it up altogether. But a little while ago I decided to toy around with it now that I’m so far behind it’s irrelevant. And ya know what, it’s kind of fun to play as…
While obesity definitely shouldn’t be “demonized”, as you say no one wants to be that way, it’s still a bad thing, so it certainly shouldn’t be praised either. On an individual basis we can provide support to the fat people in our lives, but as a whole, humanity would never have reached our current level of technical…
Dungeon master: “A goblin tries to hit you with its knife. It hits. It does 47 pierce damage, plus 21 fire damage. Please make a Con save.”
Counter point: DnD is endlessly customization, so goblins don’t suck, DMs do. For example, once upon a time, a mindflayer attempted to suck out a goblin’s brain, only to find the empty cranium void actually sucked in reverse, causing the goblin to gain unfathomable knowledge. This goblin then went on to pass his…
Join us in Heroes of the Storm. No items, each hero has a skill tree, that you’ll choose as the match plays out. The difference being in League there’s tons of item possibilities, but only a few truly valid options, as this article demonstrates, while HotS is way simpler, and even if you don’t pick the best traits,…
Another thing I’ve noticed, just about these types of people in general, they don’t display enough excitement. A match finishes, then, winners and losers, sit stone faced until they leave the stage. They need a little showmanship to get the crowd excited, like other sports. I think that’s the next big step.