Always wanted to play Blanka, but can’t stand charge characters, here’s to hoping they remove that, like they did for Vega and others.
Always wanted to play Blanka, but can’t stand charge characters, here’s to hoping they remove that, like they did for Vega and others.
For sure! I was teasing just a little :) seems to me 40K is the more popular franchise, so it’s a case of knowing Necrons first, even though they came second. Anyway yeah, seems like an easy parallel; zombies, tomb kings vs necron lords from tomb worlds, pyramids vs necron monoliths, Egyptian style…
Necrons, basically?
This have anything to do with the game?
I get what he’s saying though, we’re all raised as “people” these days, rather than men and women, people don’t realize anymore that the sexes are equal, but different. So I don’t think you’re spot on when you say he just doesn’t want to approach women and is rationalizing it, cuz he’s far from the only one, question…
So is Kotaku gonna shell out the cash to keep a speedy performance, or will I have to get my gaming news elsewhere?
Idea: Take a que from Evolve, let players set a list of preferred ‘Mains’, in order of preference. Have it match make you based on that, after it drops you in the match, and the door opens and it actually starts, you could then change you hero. Wouldn’t stop some people of changing then anyway, but would discourage…
Got a 4K TV on black friday, but noticed it doesn’t have HDR... oh well, the beta still looked woderful.
The part that stumped me, that stopped me from ever finishing the game, is one where you have to be in this on rails moving turret, but THE CONTROLS WERE INVERTED and there was no option to change them. My brain couldn’t do it, after years of FPSs and, well, most any other game, I just couldn’t aim the thing and kept…
Mistakes? They don’t care, they only made changes cuz they HAD too, like I said, it was a first party violation. No one keeps making the same obvious “mistakes” unless they’re just trying to find a way to pull the wool over our eyes in a way that works...
I’m not alone! Literally exited a shrine, sprinted forward over the nearest hill, and feel flat on my face, dead.
I wasn’t too fond of it, partly maybe because it had been a while since I last played this, and was like “How do Link?”, and partly because they didn’t implement any kind of fast respawn mechanic for it. Once I died from walking over a hill, and I think I stepped on a bee hive that killed me. This spike dungeon? Yeah…
Yes! Be free of Apple! Join us on the light side of the force!
I gotta wait until jily for zoraora?
What, no Sonic Boom?
So far not enjoying this at all, the one hit death thing is really dumb. Walking over the crest of an unsuspecting hill and stepping on what I think was a bee hive killed me, im not even certain, he kinda died on top of it, obscuring it... And I can’t tell ya how many times I’ve died now in that spikey shrine, and…
Wow, as someone who worked in Activision’s Sony QA TRG department, that’s actually a violation that would prevent the game from certification. Big wigs must have pulled some strings...
Problem is it did come from sexual origins, growing up, furries had always been seen as a fetish thing, borderline bestiality, as a result they still creep me out, even knowing better, because you can’t be sure when you meet one which kind they are. It might not be that anymore by a majority, but that’s what it was…
Hold up buddy, I’m not complaining about lack of skill, hell I’ve had close calls, but so far have yet to lose in USUM (only a matter of time, but still, pretty excited with my streak so far). No, that’s not my complaint.
Exactly! I wish they’d just play it right like this.