Got nothing on Apaches
Got nothing on Apaches
I clicked the article link simply because I knew there would be people who saw this first instead of a penis
Was talking a friend through it the other night actually.
On one hand SA is going to be more polished all round (eventually) but its a fair wait till completion, however it looks gorgeous to play as it is now regardless how ever much is missing i.e. vehicles
Arma II has a whole lot more to offer but the learning curve…
I too aim to prove that players don't have to be a shoot first ask later kind of guy.
Why just last night, though not quite the same, I had a crowbar in elektro and bumped into a mosin wielder in the firestation, I ran and hid in the bushes but he spotted me and got a shot in, I ran once more and bandaged up in the…
Reminds me of the Timesplitters future perfect campaign mission against the security room or something with Cortez's popping up left right and centre
Is she going to sue the brand of razor, chair and electrical cord as well?
Lost it at the moonbase alpha-naught, then again at the terrible pun "Of-CORPSE he can!"
Ah back to the days of inexplicably sexy female backup dancers
Im just all for Godzilla movies again.
I thank you for one last good chuckle before bed
I am interested in finding out why it didn't cross her mind that, upon finding the drawer locked, the robber might have subsequently stabbed her either in anger or for the key she blatantly has on her person
I am interested in finding out why it didn't cross her mind that, upon finding the drawer locked, the robber might have subsequently stabbed her either in anger or for the key she blatantly has on her person
This is more to do with customs than anything else, as transportation of insects and such across seas can be hazardous to ecosystems. The last thing anyone want's is to have their console seized and destroyed or to cause an environmental catastrophe.
INB4 Simpsons bullfrogs
Am I the only one to feel somewhat violated by the first GIF? That caressing of the surface followed by the deep prolonged insertion of the finger gave me chills
I declare this my comment of the day on all forums browsed
Hey over here
Just wanted to point out I'm one of those people who enjoyed this
I understand where you are coming from truly I do as I think we need to take the same routes you have suggested, there needs to be a stop to ideas like 'woman as the ball' (as much as it pained me to use that phrase curse you Anita) because with Mario its true, but in cases like Mario I see little point when they are…
I understand what feminism is about I just failed to relay that in this comment though I think I did further down somewhere, here though it was mainly a means of coming up with something where men can be bitter about how they are portrayed in media and games etc the same way 'extremist feminists' are. It just wouldnt…
Precisely, I mean you can expect controversy from the likes of Lollipop Chainsaw and such, but when you call out princess peach, when she is one of the most consistent plot telling devices in a mainstream franchise running decades it seems a bit silly.
Way I see it it can go one of two ways:
a. Things escalate to the point of angry mobs arriving at debates with shivs being crafted behind security stands (at it's most extreme :L).
b. It gets to the point where people realise it's trivial to nit pick at every aspect of games in this way and we (hopefully) start to quell…