
Probably because in the 'ermergerd future' they will likely have cruiser sized antiair which stops the fleet from hovering above the planets surface, thus infantry are needed. Like in WW2 when disposable planes were sent in to drop troops and take out anti air and such for the bombers to get through.

I'm actually in the middle of a heated discussion with some friends about how games are spoiled these days without you intending to do anything. From scrolling down facebook alone I now know you can get a fighter jet near instantly in the game, had the entire season 5 of breaking bad ruined for me in one sentence, and

You get toy cigarettes for kids that puff smoke, toy pipes, toy guns, toy grenades, toys that actually fire projectiles, motorized miniature tanks to ride around in the street in. Suddenly someone lines up flour on a board (very messily I may add) and we get told we should feel offended by it?
Different scenario

It's an 18+ launch event, they did 18+ gags, my word I dare say, someone get me a line to the prime minister post haste

Nevermind then, it's probably a bit late in the day to decide I should just sit on my hands

GOD DAMNIT I'm too slow this morning, I have my coffee now and realised the same thing O_0
Yeah consoles already have the 1.2 content, Pc has just been waiting for the update

Just want to point out it was more the choice of the store to do that, not so much Apple themself. It would probably be bad press had they just left them out in the typhoon and im pretty sure no body wants head office coming down on them.
But needless to say it was still nice of the store and it's staff to do that.

I'll admit it's was only tool use which I couldn't stand on controller, movement was a nice change
Edit* Sorry I re read and saw you weren't using official controls, I didn't realise it isn't on PS3 yet. You may like the change it brings then, it seems it would suit you better, using tools and such brings the cursor to

You don't want it, unless you've been playing like that on 360 and are more than used to it, but if you've used mouse/keyboard on it till now it will disgust you :/

I love resident evil, I love the themed house, I love any haunted house, I just never saw the scare factor in it is all im saying. It's disappointing to see in adverts when the experience is far from the same for yourself, its the same feeling as in like those horror movie ads where they show snippets of women leaping

Don't get me wrong though I would love to have the job of being that person, I played a skeleton at a family farm centre for Halloween and causing kids to cry brought overwhelming joy to me, and those ones that cried when I was Santa are just icing on the cake.
I am a horrible person

I've never understood how things like this are scary and cause people to scream, when you walk in knowing what to expect :/
ZOMG is that a real zombie!? HOLY SHIT NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE oh wait it's someone dressed up who won't do anything other than stand there and maybe raise his arms over my head a bit going

Just putting it out there, I played FF7 before I played Grand Theft Auto at the age of ten or something. Perhaps I had a better understanding that it is all fantasy?
Another theory, I had an older sister and a younger brother who also played this game, perhaps our ability to talk about it and joke about references made

Nah, after the initial 2 jumps introducing the pig mob it just gets really dull. Just straight up point A to point B crouch while walking parallel to everything moving.

Nobody claimed it was witty, just a parody. All I said is it did exactly what it aimed to do.

And yet there are still those who couldn't care less

It's a parody all the same, the point of a parody is to trivialise/mock/comment on a subject/author/style. In this case 'Bitch' is heavily overused, as such by Jesse in Breaking Bad.

Is that? . . Yep . . . yep that's an Iron Man penis . . . just letting this one slide I guess?

Whoop de do, controversy

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