
I am constantly receiving demands for proof I have rights to display videos of games such as DayZ, with every new one I release. You would think they would atleast have some form of system that checked what you were displaying, and then to FIRST check whether I have displayed my rights to them before starting the long

Having been on laptop a good while I am finally making the jump to desktop PC. As it happens I was planning to get a 660 ti and am glad I put it off the extra week sorting a monitor. Placed the order with 'Scan' today and already think they are amazing, the prices are usually the lowest (live in UK) and everything is

Charizard, Blastoise and Venesaur are going to haunt me for years to come

This is absolutely unreal

It would be much easier to try and pull out some lyrics if he didn't speak over it every time he tried to get us to listen . .

Stupid things like this kinda make me want the game :L

I remembered now that the end of FFX has you free the fayth which removes summoning from the world, I have such an itch to play this again now

If this is true I have lost a little more faith in people

Gameplay was great, battle system was a positive aspect. But as you say the story was a disgrace to it's predecessor in my opinion, it was as though no one gave a shit she went out and freed the world from the tyranny of a monster the size of a small country. I forget was it explained why she didn't summon anymore?

Absolutely love how focused the advert is on FFX, and then X-2 gets about 4 seconds screen time right at the end, I regret that games existence

The ability to detect sarcasm in these replies is amazing

I would say 7th Heaven, but then I remember it doesn't shield you from the impact of a couple thousand tonne plate falling on your head

I vote the Wall Market Cafe

I am a die had Kirby fan, but I hate when people then assume I'm the type to lure, eat and spit opponents over the edge of the platform. Kirby has some tremendous moves when used right.

Wish they added Command and Conquer Ultimate Edition to that list

I don't have any snappy comments to make

I will admit im sitting tight waiting for a response

There is nothing I like accompanying my burgers and hot dogs more than lots of grilled onions, I envy this man

Just "let them play" offline seems to be a big thing with there servers these days

It's difficult to tell, but I think I see a hat on his back similar to that of the chinese stereotype so I'm assuming some other asian ethnicity or perhaps middle eastern. I'm curious now if someone has the answer