It would work, just like any RTS does. Sure some controls would be dumbed down or some shortcuts removed but that's it, as for how multiplayer is, nobody else here seems to get everyone played against would also be on console.
It would work, just like any RTS does. Sure some controls would be dumbed down or some shortcuts removed but that's it, as for how multiplayer is, nobody else here seems to get everyone played against would also be on console.
I see your wild arms and raise you a legend of Dragoon
Now begs the question, where is the sex scene show-reel?
Times like this im so glad I was brought up in urban Engalnd where you realize the real threat growing up was owning decent pokemon/YuGiOh cards
That was a PS1 title, which currently sits on my PSP
THAT GNOME, I CURSE HIS FACE AND HAT. How was I meant to know you had to shut the door on the friggen rocket?! I just stuck him in there and left, later on I watched and waited eagerly as it launched into the sky . . . and waited . . . and waited. And then after throwing myself at youtube realized the mistake and…
Nevermind, after a little bit of looking it seems to have been clarified 'a handful' of titles were being made available in the store . . . unless something truly revolutionary happens I can see the next xbox lasting a good while less than its predecessor
If I recall the showcasing of W8 originally stated that Xbox 360 disks would be readable on W8 'at some point', or atleast 360 titles would be made available to play via W8 if I had gotten the disks part wrong there
That cover is abysmal, in what way is she supporting herself whilst hovering over the edge of the boat, because I know that dainty stroke of the cable wont amount to anything
*Frankenstein's monster (sorry for being pedantic) But also Vincent's fathering of Sephiroph is a common misconception, as although he was in love with Lucrecia, the mother, the relationship never got far enough to lead him into having a role *wink* instead she fell into the arms of Hojo who is the prime candidate. I…
If the wiiu grass was just a few shades darker id have picked the remake as the winner, but all this pale unhealthy lime green stuff is plain ugly to me
Lost it at the woodchipper
People people it doesn't matter if your black yellow or normal
Best. Game. Ever
aaaaaaaaaaaand suddenly i want to play godzilla destroy all monsters
A mistake we all learned to never make again . . . until I accidentally did it again
Demon wall is a personal favourite of mine, very close second being the cargo grabber. But the boss fight I most look forward to has to be Materia Keeper