Someone obviously never played flame tag on Timeplitters
Someone obviously never played flame tag on Timeplitters
I remember a film based off a young kid touring america to play one of these cartridges with his brother and the brothers love interest or something. Wish I remembered the title . . . *waits for the one person reading who knows this title from that vague description*
I just hope you aren't right, I have no means to fund my lifestyle this next year and a bit.
Regardless why they did it I can still feel disappointment from the fact that none of these reduced titles are available in Europe.
Highly disappointed Halo 4 isn't reduced in the Uk
I would go for awkward, like something that looks nice but your ashamed to have next to you
Maybe he was speed racer after a horrific race gone wrong?
I can see the price dropping again, what they'll do is add it to the vote with 2 other games high in demand or something so as to control potential loses through sales.
There are private servers available now and they work really well, we have a guide for the latest working version, with 1.7.2 on the way this weekend hopefully as anti_rocket waits for the hot fixes to take place.
EVERYONE even if a console gets 'announced' they wont release it for another year anyway :/
Bitch please . . .
It's not just the zombies, IMO people come to play due to the unexpected nature of other players. Which way will you head, might you bump into someone, would they shoot you on sight? Maybe there's already someone in that warehouse over there? I only have 2 mags and one bandage can I really risk heading to the…
Atleast if a steam sale sends sales soaring and all the servers either crash or fill up people can take comfort in the fact private servers are becoming much easier to create.
Use default graphics memory, as high has a maximum use of 512mb or so I've read and heard, default will attempt to use much more of what you have available
Honestly thought it might be up by now so went searching for it XD
I suppose it will be announced how video games lead people to understand how to pick up an object and hit another with it, or how "dark, elaborate plots are formed in order to seek revenge over online games" etc
So much for being an article on Black and White, stupid new age pokemon
ahhh . . . . i miss friends
HAHA I'll think about it, and I say dick because you had already reached safe zone and proceeded to take them out anyway XD It tickles me to think the scenario over
I would say it's cool enough to get past that, you can buy the CO pack that comes with HD textures, but personally I notice no difference. If the HD textures intrigue you see if there's any comparison videos or screenshot's out there.