

i accidentally let 2 creepers get in when i shut the wrong door XD

All I can see is hate replies so I thought I'd let you know your rap video seemed better in my opinion, mainly cause it doesn't make cock jokes every few seconds and actually aims to relate to the game all the way through. The lyrics are better, video not so much but who cares.

First bug, double doors spazzing out

loved the chuckle from the crowd when they built the house

No where in the contest rules did it say you couldnt rename your child afterwards, you simply needed a birth certificate with the name on it. But that aside I really like the name Dovahkin, there are much weirder names out there, I myself have always planned to name my child after norse mythology, in the case of

That sounds like a cute miniature pet that eats house spiders, I want one. On another note im also uneasy around horses after a vicious one that lived on my street ate my football and tried to kick one of my friends. I can still stand next to one so long as it's facing me.

extra points for currently being able to write from not having your computer stolen and generally being alive, I used to live just next to Blyth, New Hartley. Now im in Sunderland where people kick down your back gate just to look inside

It doesn't have to be terrifying facts it can be the smallest thing, like a dog having a drink spilt on them and for ever more cowering in the corner when a bottle is picked up. I myself was very fond of spiders as a child and captured them to live in my own made biodome, but after a series of events like having been

Kudos on spelling charv correctly, if you had said 'chav' like what the south pushed on us with that documentary a few years back I may have punched my screen

I would say there is nothing at all embarrassing about a ford fiesta, they are fast, nimble, easy to maintain, great handling, trunks are much larger than you would think looking at them. I am looking to get one when I bother learning to drive.

seconded, the caressing possibilities are endless.

This is worthy of so much more than simply winning the internet

I don't even see reason to look for any more jokes after having read that

Ah the Commodore64, truly one of the finer points of my life

I found the whole funding terrorism especially interesting

It's about time turkeys came back into fashion

I'm giving you a blank cheque

before I watch any further, I hate it when the main protagonist can blatantly fit through small gaps that supposedly only others can do