
I’d like to introduce you to the Elecom EX-G. Yes, a trackball designed for gaming. For those of use who use trackballs it’s awesome. A simple press of your ring finger and “precision mode” is enabled slowing down the trackball’s speed and allowing for easy sniping. Sure you have to get used to it, but it’s the best

The problem isn’t specifically that something is broadcasting on the implant’s frequency it’s that it’s causing interference that is either detectable to the implant or harmful to it’s operation. The implant is turning itself off because of errors not necessarily because it’s recieving a “turn off” command.

As someone that works in customer service “perfect” is not a substitute for “thank you.”

Toss in a smoked ham hock or smoked turkey leg during the reduction period.

Normally I’d agree with this, however in Flynn’s case he already agreed to testify in exchange for immunity. He’s guilty of something that his testimony would expose, we just don’t know exactly what.

It’s much worse though. By just revealing the intelligence Trump puts whatever asset generated it at risk. That this was apparently ‘Code Word’ secret means that the asset is in place at such a level in ISIL where it would be extremely easy for them to figure out who this is.

Yeah, you replied as if what I said didn’t already cover that.

So basically these guys can’t get past the fact that it’s not all about thier dicks. They’re either concerned they’ll slip up and cheat or “that harlot will seduce me.” Could be cooties I suppose.

Exactly. The movie just glosses over why a star faring race would even deal with the natives. They’d have pulled everyone off the moon and dropped rocks on it from orbit. No more Na’vi problem.

Nope, TASER is a trademarked name derived from Thomas A Riddle’s Electric Rifle. It was a series of books that the inventor of the TASER was inspired by.

He has a right to spout his horrible ideals, and therefore suffer the consequences.

Kanan has introduced himself as “Jedi Knight”, granted that was to Bendu....

What the hell Katherine? It’s good old fashioned absurdist humor.

There’s lots of lovely laws that make it difficult if you’re not a licensed distributor of alcohol, my advice would be to check with the brewery and see if they can ship some for you.

Yes you can skip the first 2 if you want. Keep in mind they play pretty differently from 3, some people really liked 2 I wasn’t one of them, but heck give it a go, you might like it and it still has a good story.

Canada. We discussed this. You’re supposed to invade only if Trump wins.

Not just that, Gamora in the comics is as stoic as Drax, maybe more so. The last thing she would have done is begged anyone for help to save a planet. She’s kinda cold hearted, ruthless and extremely stoic until she gets pissed off.

That’s exactly what I’m talking about. The 3 from the Franklin crew were the ONLY ones controlling the alien tech and it is quite clearly explained that they found mining drones. Those are not aliens in suits . . .

You missed the line where it explains they were all mining drones. They’re robots, the only living beings are the 3 former Franklin crew.

It really amazes me how a movie can spoon feed its audience the answers to their questions and yet they completely miss them.