
Excellent idea and article! I stumbled upon this solution myself recently, when I went shopping for ‘an old print-server’, and found that insane-pricing was conjoined at the bottom line with poor performance. I’m staring at a RPi3, laying on my desk one night, got to thinking, ‘hey, I’ve printed from a Pi before, why

Remove all the warning labels, and let evolution sort the whole mess out!!!

I call that ‘ad blocker’, and it’s a free adder. I’m NOT paying a company to NOT harass me, if I can’t get them to ‘stop harassing’, I won’t pay their extortion to do the job. That’s worse than ‘free TV’, at least you can go get a soda while 5-minutes of commercials play.

EXACTLY! While there are a lot of cloud software packages out there right now, Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud can set you up to run your own private cloud, or tie it into Amazon’s EC2 setup. You pick, and you can take privacy as far as you want to, too.

Not one single point made here addresses the 10,000 pound elephant in the room, and that is various state-agencies that are hacking to start with. Android and ‘Privacy’ go together like ‘Military’ and ‘Intelligence’ (can you feel the oxymoron?). In reality, if you want actual ‘privacy’, you have to have a drive-farm

That is ONLY because Monster charged you enough to buy 3-cables to start with, and learned from Snap-On how ‘keeping those sheep satisfied on service after-the-fact’ keeps them buying more insanely priced hardware for years, even when they don’t need it. Do you need Monster? About as much as you need Snap-On or

The ULTIMATE measure is the human eye, which can’t really appreciate anything much past 480p, so drop a dime where you will, it’s the difference between ‘Corvette Fast’ and ‘Lotus Fast’, the average user won’t appreciate much of anything beyond 65-mph, not for long, anyhow. Same with HDMI - another gimmick to part you

While I have a lot of Netgear hardware, I found that the size and flexibility of the ProBox 4-drive USB 3.0 housing is far better, when teamed with a simple Raspberry RPi3 than any ‘pre-built’ NAS. I have two of them, one is running 32-Tb’s of storage space alone (you can put up to 4 quantity of 8-Tb drives in each

While I have a lot of Netgear hardware, I found that the size and flexibility of the ProBox 4-drive USB 3.0 housing