Justin Jackson
Now playing

Are you seriously trying to say that image is manipulated to cause outrage? The Diablo image is straight from Blizzcon and the game image is straight from a video for the other game by Netease.

Good thing China has a massive gaming convention they could have announced this at instead then huh? No let’s announce it at the gaming convention that’s aimed at players in the west.

I guess I can take you out of the grays for this.

I felt bad for Wyatt in a way but will admit that the ‘you have phones don’t you?!’comment was just a real bad response.

Yea the whole kill all humans thing was funny. Like you can’t even beat a handful of humans in a tiny pretty irrelevant duchy and you think your army is going to do anything against actual Kingdoms?

My issues were more the constant 2010's sounding dialogue (not from just her but everyone) and them seeming making her entire characterization in the show based on it. Carmilla was already a powerful manipulative antagonist in the Castlevania lore (though portrayed there as a lesbian and usually only going after

It was kinda fun but some of the stuff was just silly.

I like the ship combat in both but I think Black Flag was more enjoyable just due to the greater technology and how satisfying it was shooting cannons.

The DLC for Atlantis next year also makes this story a pretty major part of the game.

It’s under Santorini (well under the water next to Santorini). So it goes with the modern idea of Atlantis referring to Akrotiri but then does the Assassins Creed thing of making it something more.

Those 3 things have nothing at all to do with fear mongering that the country is going to collapse because of this shit. This country has dealt with far larger problems than anything going on today.

Oh please things are going to be fine.

Maybe after being so successful and doing the same thing for 30 years he just wants to semi retire

Rowling, meanwhile, has pointed out that “white skin was never specified” for Hermione in the books. So, it’s perfectly conceivable that Hermione could be black, but she’s also portrayed in the movies by Emma Watson, whose sleek curls are a far cry from the bushy hair that comes out of my head.

Anytime something comes up with this author it involves him being a dick.

Oh please this happens in any country where you have access to possible sensitive information. No company worth their salt is going to take a risk of a disgruntled employee possibly compromising data or hardware.

Guild Wars 2's community went after narrative designers Jessica Price and Peter Fries

That’s a lot of plot.

In the case of GW2 and SB you didn’t pay more though you just pre-ordered a game you were going to buy anyway.

They learned that FF14 is great for milking money so they can keep making these things.