Justin Jackson

I’m still hoping for some systems that are unique added in more than just ‘more of the same’ which is what we’ve gotten so far. Now sure MMO expansions are more of the same in the end no matter what but they can add new things to spice it up a bit. For example, instead of another mindless grind for relics why not take

I can deal with fanservice in shows like Konosuba since the show itself is a giant parody. On the other hand fanservice that’s overly in your face that serves no purpose (like a certain limbo scene) makes me drop an anime right there.

Oh they finally announced FF12 being remastered? Hopefully that means Steam too.

It’s annoyimg how this shits being shoved on every site. Gawker may be gone but now the whiny garbage  is just on all the sites.

If there’s one positive from this it’s seeing the Gawker sites lose their collective shit


All I know is that the e-’sports’ I can care less for had 3 streams while 3 panels I was interested in watching were all in a room that had no stream as they only had 2 panel streams.

I enjoy seeing both games takes ideas from the other. The competition has been something that has been needed for years. In the end both games are worth the sub I have with them.

It’s still a 7.1 raid even if they don’t unlock it for 2 weeks. That’d be like saying Emerald Nightmare wasn’t part on 7.0 because it didn’t unlock for a month.

Though there is a raid too.

Well hopefully the other fanfests show more new features as quite frankly this announcement didn’t do much for me, was pretty basic and is leading into people looking way too into things like ‘revamped skill system’ that they’ve more or less already said is just them removing excess skills. In general right now it


Hey how dare you not get enraged about an animated show for a niche audience!

For those that get blocked from seeing the first song linked:

The industry is doing just fine.

It’s an iffy season compared to previous but at least there are a few shows I’m giving a chance with Izetta, Drifters, Bungou Stray Dogs and BBK since I already watched the craziness that was its first season.

Anime sales are actually at an all time high now partly in thanks to the West with sites like Crunchyroll and Funimation. In the end regardless of your feelings to these seasons the reality is that these shows are what sell well.

Yea I have AK5 but I’m still kinda just holding off and only doing large AP gain things. I’m using this time to make my offspec stronger and playing alts.

I look at WoW’s artifacts as taking an idea and doing much better implementing it which is something Blizzard oftentimes does. FF14's relics are more or less just mindless grinds with no actual added perks. Both FF14 and WoW take ideas from each other and I’d love to see Square do what WoW has done with relics.