Justin Jackson

As a book reader I think the show ruined almost every character to be edgy and pander to a certain audience (I for one look forward to next seasons Game of Gurl Powah)so honestly I don’t really care for the show anymore. Thankfully I doubt the books are going to do half the things the show did (like making almost

The sand snakes just let him use their Bad Pussy Teleport Machine.

I’m not sure I’d call it ‘stellar’.

It was amusing making a bastion rage quit when I kept charging him with D Vas shieldand taking him out.

I’ve been enjoying Kabaneri and Re:Zero. The others on this list aren’t my type of show though. Besides the 2 mentioned above I’m only enjoying Joker Game and the constant randomness of Kiznaiver.

He never quit from that...

That’s a strange way of saying ‘Bastion of the Game’.

I’d say my biggest thing I look forward to with Stellaris is what I look forward to with all Paradox games. It’s the crazy amount of great mods that will be made within a month and likely some great overhaul mods akin to what you see with M&T with EU4 and HIP, CK2+, and the GoT Mod with CK2. The amount of freedom for

Yea the ultimate makes for some great game changing moments. A Hanamura game last night where we just couldn’t take the last point with 30 seconds left was won by me luckily blowing up the entire team.

Well it gives you something to play at work during downtime. Not that I would ever do that >_>

After todays episode and what they did to Dorne I honestly am not sure if I want to keep watching.

I mean I gaurantee that water was far from safe for the officers to rescue anyone without the right equipment. Between gators that were instantly alerted to something hitting the water to the muck that will suck you in as you step on it.

We’re a good while away from tech/discoveries in science ever being at that point.

Who all mostly die when they’re caught off guard by changes! I liked that added detail in the manga re-telling the author is doing.

Well kinda figured that when we got zero news on it for years.

I get the point but on the other hand when I see what ISIS has been doing I realize that so many artifacts from that region now only still exist because they were taken from the region.

Even the char creator isn’t really the best. Sure you can edit the faces a lot but you can only edit a face within a set look and not edit the bodies much. Other games like FF14 have less customization but you’re more likely to see Dragoon A look different than Dragoon B because in FF14 you actually have different

You may know him from the old localization name of Fiend.

Yea its in no way obscure and incredibly popular in Japan. That’s why it’s getting the Manga rewrite treatment (which the anime is now a fair bit ahead of). I’d guess he only has Crunchyroll as well since it’s on Funimation.

Kinda fits given you definitely get Dynasty Warrior vibes with the really overpowered generals that just wipe normal soldiers out in the anime/LN. Though Arslan himself does very little fighting in those.