Justin Jackson

The city in china was an obvious reference to Midgard as well.

I still hope that the council members are on the Normandy and I can have a conversation with the turian member.

I'd imagine Square was partly behind that. And the one guy with a machine gun arm being named Barret. :p

I found the game great and likely one of the best games I've played in a while but was annoyed with the battery thing and also never understood why I couldn't melee a enemy once I was engaged in combat.

I find it funny how many people are taking your comments personal.

I played it by getting it uhhh....less moral ways. Glad I did too since the game was incredibly short and definitely would not have been worth 50+ dollars. Course it's funny how these companies do DRM like that when it gets bypassed within a day.

All I know is that when I saw the DOTA 2 trailer all I saw was how uncreative they are. From a demon hunter looking hero with a glaive to a bestial type creature with a giant totem (that then slams said totem into the ground to stun). A part of me almost wishes Blizzard would have a case for copyright infringement

So they should focus their MMO team on a non MMO? They have multiple development teams for a reason.

At least Pawn Stars gives history on the items. One day I turned the History Channel on and it showed some rednecks in Louisiana taking shotguns and shooting crocs with them for 'hunting'. Apparently cruelly killing animals in a incredibly unethical way due to their 'heritage' or whatever excuse they use is history or

Had no idea any gaming magazines even existed anymore.

I dunno you Christians always wanna preach about how forgiving your god is so I'm pretty sure he'd understand why many may question his existence when there is no proof of it if he does exist.

So what you're saying is that NASA is like every other American company in that they'll cut corners everywhere irregardless of safety or quality. Kinda like how cars in other countries last much longer and are much better made but those same companies don't have near that same quality here.

While we taxpayers pay for him to be in prison for the next 30 years instead of just giving people with no chance of leaving the death penalty.

For those type of people they feel like they are in the wrong body. They basically think and feel like that other gender but have the wrong body to go with it. It's something very well documented.

You don't understand how it is for transgendered people. They literally feel like they are in the wrong body and it is well documented.

This guy is a nobody with no connections with Blizzard just guessing things. And the last guess by him was back in 2008 that Warhammer would have 250k subscribers. Honestly posting this just seems kinda silly since any random person who is part of a site can make random guesses.

Being a Furry =/= Wanting to have sex with animals. Then again I fully understand it's a waste of time to try to explain to people that those people are part of a minority in that group.

Being a Furry =/= Wanting to have sex with animals. Then again I fully understand it's a waste of time to try to explain to people what a sub group is.

I don't know what Atlas Shrugged is. Maybe if they failed overly obvious questions of really popular things like 'Do you know who Mario is?' then I think there would be a point to be made.

Keep in mind the main reason Japan uses nuclear power is since they have no natural resources there so there only other choice is massive importing. That lack of natural resources is one of the main reasons for their invasions in the past. Wind Mills are great if you know the area will be consistent but things like