
Animal Bossing:

Isn’t there only going to be one slim system and the drive is detachable? As far as I knew, the digital and disc versions were the same, they were just going to be selling the disc version with the disc add-on included in the box.

hey, you can’t get fired for being anti-genocide when you’re too young to legally have a job! 

Nostalgia weighs heavily in the decision on whether or not I replay a game. I’m far more likely to keep replaying old favorites (or remakes of old favorites) from the 80's, 90's and 2000's, than I am of any recent titles.

Much like other topic, you’re really gonna wanna disable comments on this. Chuds gonna chud.

Indeed, the problem with Jeopardy would be solved by making the game not Jeopardy.

As a long-time Jeopardy! viewer, I don’t find that “Forrest bounce” strategy annoying or unwatchable in the least. For clearly superior players, it’s just the smartest thing to do. And it all ultimately hinges on whether the player knows the answer or not, there’s nothing unfair here or anything. 

I just wanted to say “False.” as someone who watches Jeopardy every night, I could not care less how people bounce around the board, or not. It’s a fully-open gameboard, any square at any time is up for play, and that’s the point!

Yeuch. Who wants fucking live action? Why do they keep wrecking perfectly excellent animated shows by shifting them into a shittier medium nad making us look at the ‘live-action’ overdetailed, glum tedium that will be CGI Goliath. Stop this bullshit.

Where do you think indie games sell their soundtracks?

FUCK YOU. The vast majority of the music I listen to these days is hosted on, discovered on, supported by Bandcamp. I’ve developed a lot of affection for the platform over the years, and am outraged to see them treated this way, by a shower of dickheads who just don’t get it.

Epic Games, which acquired Bandcamp just a year ago

Prior to crit role he was already one of the most prolific voice actors in the industry. Perhaps not for western game developers, but absolutely for english dubs of japanese studio games and ESPECIALLY anime. Crit Role certainly opened more doors, but his list of credits prior to it’s becoming a thing was already

Was pretty obvious from the line in the trailer, but I’m very happy for him because I know how much he loves FF7 (and us because I’m sure he’ll kill it). Cool that he talked about it with Steve Blum, too.

Reasons I still buy physical media:

In addition to Redbox, local libraries remain a source for physical media if you only want to borrow it. Libraries remain a tremendous underutilized resource. As someone noted elsewhere, if public libraries didn’t already exist it would be impossible to get them started anymore.

Why is the Takeout so in the tank for these fucking “Christians”? Fuck Chick-fil-A & the Cathy family.

I appreciate your respectful response.

It was absolutely sold as a sequel to Rebels. I’m sorry you dislike it because it uses characters from a ‘children’s TV show’.