
This is so well said. I cut and pasted it. Now I just have to save it somewhere.

Raw talent is sport specific. I didn’t say he can play basketball. His raw talents were not in basketball and he had no height. Is that such an elusive concept to grasp? I didn’t say Bo would be the best pole vaulter, either.

The 4.4. Pretty much. Benching 300? I did it in high school as a junior and I was hardly the strongest kid in my class.

No doubt. You need good physical skills to play any professional sport. We are just taking relatively.

Don’t be an idiot. We are talking about how far raw skills can take you. Bo Jackson never plays football or baseball a day in his life. He shows up for tryouts freshman year. He is the best football player on the field day one. But not in baseball or hockey.

So wait! You think baseball and football are equally genetic lottery sports?

You say that. But I actually doubt it.

Baseball has lots of obsessive dedication guys. Football has a ton of genetic lottery guys. If you hit that lottery, it becomes a lot less competitive.

I mean, I disagree with the criticism but I’m not sure the harshest jab back is to say he is not a well known commentator on Gawker.

He didn’t see it. Trust me.

Really, how do you get an arm like that?

The “best man” to play for the Yankees was probably some guy we have never heard of. Unlikely it would just happen to be one of the best baseball catchers in history that we actually knew. But I’m with you on the sentiment.

Cool stuff, man. Cool stuff.

It really is harder for the NCAA to embrace this stuff like the NBA can. Because it obviously is not that hard to get to college kids who are getting paid zilch. Messing with fantasy is harder then fixing a game. But I’m sure creative minds can figure out some good schemes.

These articles are the worst. I don’t blame the author. I have to think someone told him it was a good idea to come up with a story on it. (Please don’t tell me if I’m wrong.)


Taylor is the better quarterback. You just have to watch the all-22 film of practice like I do every night, sometimes until dawn. Then you would know.

Could he box out and jump 6 inches too?

Trying to get deeper in their heads? They did miss the shot and got a lucky Nene aided putback.

Underrated comedy here.