
The fairest thing to do would be to replay some of the matches...

Let’s even argue that it’s beyond that... medium difference. Is it really worth complaining about? It just seems like such a “get over it” issue to me. 

Sonya looks like Brock Samson in a wig. 

Man that guy could really use a drink. 

Fuck, I’m late to the party, but this was the same woman who tweeted “How can you spread a virus, if you’re healthy and aren’t carrying it?” She was rightfully ratio’d. It was nice to see the top reply was a virologist giving her a polite and thorough explanation. It was also nice seeing everybody else was just

Sup Big Perm, I mean Big Worm!

I wish there was a downvote option for talking outta your ass. 

That was a pretty fun trailer. 

Somewhere on this page was a very loud, very unexpected video that began auto-playing. Big thanks to whatever Herb was responsible for that. 

Love Mr. Bubz. Hate the new AV Club layout. 

I don’t know what you’re talking about, my Brother. I am quite plainly agreeing with you and our superiority over the unwashed non-SSD casuals. Imagine gaming with standard equipment and specs in 2020, OMEGALUL. They should be thanking us for keeping the lights on of their silly little games. The expectation that a

Yeah peasants! All you need to do after paying $40 for the latest expansion and $40/yr for online service is pay another $60 for an SSD. Fuckin’ plebs need to bow down to the glorious SSD master race. Get cucked ya lazy, ignorant paupers. 

Seriously, GTFO with that photo.

What kind of asshole is accepting a tip from their linecook for one to two post-shift beers?

Also you’ve done this two days in a row now. Just do something like “internet looks into theory that Dean Koontz predicted the coronavirus 4 decades ago.” I’m calling for a moratorium on question headlines from Andrew. 

Wait, did Dean Koontz predict the coronavirus in 1981?

Was Sonic the Hedgehog’s disastrous initial design reveal actually intentional?