
The advice of “be patient” and “the bartender will work their way up and down the bar” depend on the bartender being a good bartender. I’m not indicting all bartenders, but there are enough out there that don’t move in any discernible pattern, show preference for certain people (regulars, high rollers, whatever) or

In the last movie they touched on the political debate about what to do with the dinosaurs left on the island. My guess is that such a debate still exists.

This is my “shocked” face... 


Trailer would’ve been better with the exact same acting, but being done by Leonard Nimoy. 

I find Elfo really confusing. In the elf world he was a sulky pervert, but then he leaves and suddenly became cheery and naive. 

It was a perfectly cromulent post. Find a new slant. 


I’m actually reading quests! Fuckin’ crazy.

All we need is a defense, and an offense, and some rule changes.”

Clearance is an additional 50% off in your cart. Pretty good deals. 

Clearance is an additional 50% off in your cart. Pretty good deals. 

I really encourage everyone to read the WaPo article. There are so many fun and interesting tidbits such as

Keven, you can just become a Rams fan. At least they’ll still be in Los Angeles 10 years from now. 

This is the internet. We don’t want your goddamn nuance and context! 

One day Liv Tyler will be the one who gets to go to space. 

*CTRL F* “N-A-T-T-Y”... Nothing? Come on people.

Now playing

Oh you gotta download Klomper! You can watch all 40 episodes of “Turd Journey.”

It’s Friday, and I don’t have anything better to do so I’ll bite.

This is some kind of online performance art, right?