
The Cowboys signed Witten? Jason Garrett really pulled a rabbit out of his head on this one.

13 years

This whole episode is fantastic and the payoff at the end still delights me.

Might as well try again:
Just going to speak into the void and once again state my opinion that fighting in the NHL has no value, is entirely antithetical to player safety, and is a detriment to the overall quality of the game.

Yeah but no one associated with the Mets, from owner down to batboy, would be bigger than Kraft. 

Earth people. New York and California.
Earth people. I was rubbed in Jupiter. 

You ever have that friend in college who would make the obvious joke in a situation? You and everyone else had the joke in your mind, but no one would say it because it was so obvious and therefore not worthwhile. Except that one guy who would. Trevor Noah is that guy. 

Place your bets:
“I have black friends.” - 1/2
“I was hacked.” - 1/2
“I’m being silenced/targeted by the liberal media.” - 4/5
“I’m a young, dumb kid and didn’t really mean those things.” - 3/1
“I was kidding.” / “It was satire.” - 4/1
“I’m being quoted out of context.” - 5/1
“I was drunk.” - 7/1
“Fuck yeah, I’m racist. White

For 13 years we have all been okay with this directorial decision

And they edited it. But you and I... we remember. 

Just going to speak into the void and once again state my opinion that fighting in the NHL has no value, is entirely antithetical to player safety, and is a detriment to the overall quality of the game. 

If anyone can fix the Kinja scrolling bug, I will give you a brazillion dollars. 

Lots of people contend that healthcare is indeed granted in the Constitution (usually under “general welfare” principles). Now you might interpret that it does not, but don’t be ignorant that the argument can at least be made.

GMG needs to create a spinoff site, Dogspin. 

Pitch meetings can be pretty important when deciding to sign on for a project, especially with something like The Matrix where I could see myself reading the script and thinking that if it isn’t done right, it’s going to look like a made-for-TV movie on SyFy.

These sounds similar to WARN acts in the US.

Also, Norway is much smaller and more dense than Quebec. We can drive for 1,000KM in a relatively straight line, and STILL be in Quebec.