letstryand stayfocused

Keep in mind the difference between time sentenced and the actual time that will be served. They’ll be out in 4 or so.

Odds the state legislature amends it in the next year?

Their entire intent was to create fear, to show this family, even in their own home they are not safe. Even at a child’s bday party. Fuck them. I drink their tears like i do Holtzclaw’s. Cry you sociopathic morons, cry for your inability to get off scott free. At least the system got it barely right this time.

Yeah, I’m a little gobsmacked myself. Georgia, of all places....

I’m rather annoyed by the news coverage. they seemed to be giving these racists the benefit of the doubt. Black people in trucks with confederate flags? as-fucking-if.

Imagine if this was reversed.

based on the news coverage above, their defense was that they were driving around as part of a fundraiser, they had POC’s in their caravan, and that people in the party approached them.

See also: total bullshit.

This is the silver lining in this awful story for me. I am completely amazed that Georgia pursued this case, used these laws to convict, and actually gave hefty sentences to these assholes.

That and they’re claiming their sentences are unfair based on those that made deals. Except that’s the entire incentive in making a deal - you get a lighter sentence and the state doesn’t have to spend time and money trying you.

six years on one count of violating Georgia’s street gang act

He was fantastic it in, but the best part of it?

He doesn’t look 42, for sure , but I could easily tell he was in his 40s because he has the kind of real sexuality and confidence that I think (lucky) men get more of as they age. He is just ... Damn.

Cottonmouth was the thing that initially got me hooked on Luke Cage, which was a bit of a heavy slog at the beginning. When your hero is a bit ... boring? ... you need the villain to bring it, and he did.

I had a similar reaction to hearing David Oyelowo talk about being married for 18 years. With that baby face?

42 year olds FTW!

And both of them turned out to be...dubious.

He’s having an incredible year. Being major in two important movies (my mom gave us a screener DVD for SAG members), plus being without question the best part of Luke Cage. Awesome

Because if you have lips or eyelashes, that ALWAYS means you’re a girl! It’s just science! Default Setting = Male.

I don’t know why boys (represented by Logan) get to keep their mouths closed while all the girls have that odd little toothy pout. But regardless, this is an exciting development in the overpriced doll market and I will watch his future career with interest.