letstryand stayfocused

oh, that really breaks mine as well, especially since I was so psyched for Black Panther

I’m ashamed to admit that the first thing I thought after looking at that pic was “who did what to those edges? they go 3, 4, 5 inches deep.”, especially since as the proud owner of coarse, mostly wiry fucked up dust broom hair, my edges STAY jacked.

actually great abs are not a gym thing if you have doing physically demanding labor on a daily basis, particularly if you have the body type that is prone to muscle development and had decent sources of protein. i say this as the progeny of farmers and sharecroppers. Muthafuckas were ripped.

he truly is the most beautiful man on tv right now. my mom, whose generally prudish about such things, is a huge, huge fan.

time for me to repost my 3rd hand john mayer sex story. a friend of a friend slept with mayer once. he ejaculated on her torso, excused himself for a minute, and then came back and licked all the cum off her torso. fun.

nothing he does can dissuade his most ardent supporters. bigotry is a helluva drug.

yeah, i’m sure i watched this too, as an impressionable tween who thought everything about her was wrong, since i wasn’t tall or pale. i was skinny but apparently not skinny enough. beauty standards were rigid as a mf.

I feel like they used to include measurements but maybe that’s just Playboy centerfolds.

honestly, i can’t remember. i guess it’s just a reaction to all that “indie goddess” press she had that was shoved down my throat back in the day.

i guess i’m the only person who’s not a fan of Parker Posey. she has always gotten on my goddamned nerves, and i can’t quite put my finger on why



i’m older now, the kids are middle school and high school and i’ve been mostly at home for 10 years (for the past few years i also i manage some real estate on the side - my kids are big enough that they can be left alone if i have an emergency). some days i do spent a lot of time in work out clothes but it’s because

I like DL1961 Florence Instasculpt but at $178 I only buy if I can find what I like what I can find on sale.

I like DL1961 Florence Instasculpt but at $178 I only buy if I can find what I like what I can find on sale.

One thing that stood out to me was the age of the competititors. They used to be fully grown women. They just kept getting younger and younger until the age floor was instituted. Beautiful video, though

yes - the annihilator perspective is the one that makes me angry.

sorry - I knew her as a girl, so that’s how I think of her, just as I still think of her parents as “Mr. and Mrs. ____”

A sick child like this is an enormous stressor for the most stable and secure of marriages. However, I’m sick to death of reading about entire families being wiped out by a man (presumably) who was under stress and/or abusive. A girl I grew up was murdered by her husband last year. He was apparently abusive for years.

You’ve got a point - except for Wells. he was the only one I was half-way attracted to.

Wells was only one who was actually my type - smart, dark and skinny and all around adorable.

the hair. his helmut hair drives me insane.