umm, ok. why do we have pagaents anymore anyway, especially for anyone under the age of 18? It’s pretty gross.
umm, ok. why do we have pagaents anymore anyway, especially for anyone under the age of 18? It’s pretty gross.
my daughter has a 12 yo stinky (a ratty disgusting baby swaddler blanket thingy) that she swears by - she doesn’t leave the house with it, but it can’t be washed. It’s the last of it’s kind - we originally had 4 or 5 identical ones. We thought we got smart with the 3rd kid - his lovey was a burp cloth - easy to…
oh man, how much do i love that side hug - it would definitely not pass muster with the duggars.
As someone who grayed prematurely and doesn’t dye my hair, I’d say its a vast improvement
this reckless idiot doesn’t have the sense he was born with.
i heard from a friend who rented some of his warehouse space to them that russell was a major beyotch. just nasty all around to everyone
for me, Philip Jennings is the hottest character on television. sure, he’s an assassin, but he has a conscience, he would literally kill for his family (and has), AND he does the dishes all the time, unprompted. this wrapped up in the lovely package that is Matthew Rhys.
i know. i still feel like pastor tim is some sort of pedo. and i just realized the same actor played “dollar bill” stearn on “billions”
cliff curtis plays like everybody and everything
hate to break this to you, but we only age well on the outside - hypertension is a son of a bitch.
what - all these comments and nobody has mentioned how dreamy and sexy those mbj and lupita look together?
sans toup, JK Simmons is kinda hot.
i cant watch it either. watched one very early episode where the rape of the female character was completely sexualized and that was it. it makes me ill.
holy crap, the one with the most punchable face is the one who lists his occupation as “hipster”. and i didn’t anything could be worse than “chicken enthusiast”. i stand corrected.
dear sweet baby Jesus.
i gotta go to the Bachelorette website and check out each and every one of these poor bastards.
when you get to be a grown up, you cannot do cheap “fancy”. i spy a lot of cheap fancy things. you can do cheap but it’s a gotta be simple and well made.
i hate this homophobe but it would be nice if more people were out as role models for young people coming up.
meh. i’m probably too old for this. as long as it doesn’t star the cast of “Gigolos”, especially that geriatic dried up piece of beef jerky, it’ll probably be ok.
Just saw Charlie Cox in an off-Bway play - crazy talented
c’mon, folks, it’s not that bad. I’ve got 3 kids - young teens and tweens. I was a working mom, then I was a sahm, now I’m mostly sahm with a small home based business. I live in a very affluent NYC suburb. All this burnout comes from everyone seeing parenting as some sort of bloodsport. I’m sorry, but the women in…