
He’s a leader of men!

When George S. Patton lead Operation Torch against Rommel, we all know he sacrificed a Furby to guarantee his victory.

Fuck politeness! If your gut tells you something is off, don’t ignore it. Good on you for getting out of this situation unscathed.

This reminders me of something that happened to me almost four years ago. My grandfather died and I had to get access to his bank account to settle his debts (my dad had already died). His account was at a Chase Bank so I found a branch in my area and went there to get it sorted out. I was really sad and got further

My husband was out on a run and saw a man watching him from a truck. He had the same sense as you that he was in the presence of pure evil. Two days later the guy walked into a coffee shop and murdered four cops.

I had a similar experience, though less dramatic, a few years ago. I was walking to a coffee shop on my street on a beautiful, sunny Fall morning. I was crossing the street and happened to make eye contact with a dude who was crossing towards me, but coming at an angle, like not straight from the curb. The eye contact

As my they say on my favorite podcast, My Favorite Murder: FUCK POLITENESS!!!

I guess I’d say if you feel weird about someone but are still unsure about your judgement, to notice their breathing pattern and read their body and body language. It’s such a weird thing but even when someone’s face down on a massage table and not talking you can totally tell when they’re running their mind and not

Sitting in work in the middle of the day freaking tha fuck out.

I have experienced this feeling too, although I have nothing to back it up. I was in the drive-thru and caught a glimpse of the driver behind me and just had an absolute chill of terror. No particular reason, this person was just sitting behind me in the drive-thru, but I was absolutely convinced that there was

Can I ask, what do you do with clients that seem off once you met them? I’d have such a hard time canceling for ‘no reason’ other than my gut, one they were already there. If they DID something inappropriate, sure, but just a sense? What are the signs and what do you do?

Working as a massage therapist has taught me so much about trusting my gut. Some people you just know are off or bad or whatever, and it’s so important to listen to that instinctual fear instead of the fear of offending someone or coming off as rude. You’ve got some great instincts!

This is some major Gift of Fear shit and it made every hair I have stand up. You are so, so, so lucky you got out of there alive.

This needs more stars

This horrified me to the core, as others have said it’s way more fucking terrifying than a ghost story (and I’m crazy enough to have had an “unexplained experience”). This is why I cannot tinder. My first thought is always ARE U MURDERER?

He became so alarmed because up until that point I had told him that we drove for a bit, but he (and I guess I) wasn’t aware of just how far I was carried away. Like I alluded to in the post, I didn’t have a car and even if I was to get away, it would have been me running around in a suburban neighborhood —no taxis,

What set off alarms for your friend? Was it just the location? (So glad you listened and GTFO!)

The real question is...what the hell do we think was in the basement?

Yikes, did you ever hear of anything like this happening again to anyone else? Or drive to the house again and look around? Glad you got out of there safely.

That’s the trauma talking. You did the best thing. You came into contact with evil and survived.

“the spirit that scared you as a child meant you harm, and you will have two more such visitations in your lifetime.”