
There is little hope for any resolution in this case so we will hear about this in perpetuity (see: Black Dahlia). The family’s investigator believes it was a man who killed himself less than a year after her death and named a few other possible suspects one of whom sued them (and lost) and several of the original

I’ve read this headline numerous times and it still doesn’t make sense....

They transformed “turn the other cheek” into “turn down the other check.” #Blessed

No matter what the Pope’s PR machine says - the church does not care about victims, they only care about $$$ and power - urgh


As much as I do not like the Catholic Church (that is a lot, by the way), and as badly as they’ve handled the sex abuse committed by its clergy, I don’t really find much fault in this particular action.

Sick of this shit.

New York Archdiocese Will Compensate Sex Abuse Victims if They Relinquish Their Right to Sue

I would sue them.

at which point they magically transubstantiate child abuse victims into child prostitutes.

She looks so cool!

My grandmother lived to be 91, and she smoked from age 13 to 90, when my aunt took her cigarettes away for fear she might fall asleep with one in her hand. I don’t think mere normal people could get away with that, though. Grandma Helen was a seriously cool old lady:

This woman is my spiritual leader. Or spirits leader, whichever. She’s an inspiration.

This woman looks badass and I would like to share a drink with her. Happy Birthday, Maysie!

Kiefer Sutherland recognizes that he sort of has alcohol problem, but doesn’t feel like giving it up.

I suspect their show was getting cancelled and this was a stunt to pretend they are the ones opting not to film any longer.

Actually, of late she has had trouble gaining attention on the levels she is accustomed to and has been engaging in more and more extreme publicity stunts in desperate grabs for attention. A smile and a winkl she might give, but only her dedicated fanboys and girls that follow her twitter feed and consume every

Why did she pretend to fall in love with Kris Humphries?

I’ve heard people discuss Kanye’s money issues and it could be insurance fraud. Pretty elaborate scheme imo. I’m waiting to hear what the police say.